There are many pirates sailing the waves and many stories to tell. If you'd like to spread word of your achievements and adventures, simply add an article about yourself to this list.
Alphabetical List of Players
- AdmiralTrench
- Adzybaba
- AidsPlays
- Allezzia
- anandak
- AngelRow
- AppleJK
- Arinthros
- ArtificialDemon
- AssassinOfHades
- Astrobolt
- BassQueen808
- batteria_
- Bazurka
- Bcbcommish
- BeefIsAFruit
- BGraph
- Bislo1
- BlueTheMerc
- bowrilla
- Britannicraiser
- Browe_
- Buckmaster1993
- build1115
- Cappur
- CelticTiger38
- Chailey
- ChibiDoge
- Chiroptera419
- CookieSoul
- Cosmickingjoel
- CountMonteCristo
- CrazyPirate1
- CreeperInX
- Creeperman101
- Cthulhu_Fhtagn_
- curlymaria
- Cysteen
- Dagersh
- DakotaReef
- Decsain
- DirectorAnivian
- dpex81
- DrAndrew
- DriftingSixGuns
- Dustblossom
- ebrit1
- Elo106
- emielreijs
- Eric770
- francociccio
- Fr0stByt3_
- Galaxy219
- GoldenMoneyz
- Gottalovepunks
- GordensAlive
- Guineapigplays
- Haggar123
- HaloBearer98
- HardTimez
- Harry_Potter1212
- Hewwy
- Icanra
- InventorJohn
- iOdiwanKenobi
- Iridus
- jJGamerjJ
- Joshua Jones
- JUSAShrek1
- KaiTheFireNinja
- KaTcsu
- KetohPie
- KingKarim
- Koi0001
- lakesidekiller
- Lareana
- _Lego_
- LiaDePizza
- LilGijn
- Lithvather
- LogoTRT
- Lord0Viper
- MarcoHero
- MasterM1214
- Maximus_Terragon
- michty
- Minemoppel
- Moossolini
- MrBluBeardedYeti
- MysticTitan
- Nick_A_Naut
- NickyB_123
- NitroDaNub
- Palmerageddon
- palmersauras
- PanOfSteel
- Pashjn
- PaulOnFire
- Peppykiss395
- Petalface
- plantpotgirl
- PolluxCaesar
- President_B
- ProWil
- PythonAce
- RainbowInferno
- Ravenfalls
- QueenRep
- Rivvur
- RobLinds
- RoMich02
- SaiTheGuy1011
- Scarecrow01
- Sharkygirl9
- shiphoo
- Shockerboy686
- ShushiKittyXD
- Silverstone47
- Skalpo69
- SlowmotionTurbo
- Smokeyriver
- SomeOne1112
- SpikyCactus_
- Stewie0404
- Stingbarry
- Sttary
- Swampfoot_IX
- Taulov
- TheAgentGamer
- TheMineToad
- TheTikiTotem
- Thymen
- Torkey
- ToxicKingRS
- Trooper306
- uarehere
- ultracreeper
- Warbluke
- weeleeman
- WolfHeart
- YoloICN
- yonifoo
- zackbacon
Active staff included as of 30 January 2020
Chat Moderators
Build Team Leaders
Media Team
Forum Moderators
Retired/inactive staff
- Ma_c_hi admin
- SuperGL admin
- Calliemav admin
- Chailey moderator/media
- KellyYore moderator
- JavaInvader moderator
- Palmerageddon chat moderator
- CrazyPirate1 forum moderator
- Galaxy219 media
- Saltpigeon media
- Silence__ developer
- Chailey media
- Lucky_da_Freak moderator
- Elo106 chat moderator/media
- Nahadoth chat moderator
- Iamthereaper89 superadmin
- Smokeyriver admin
- vapecloudbear admin
- MrBluBeardedYeti admin
- mountainrasta admin
- BassQueen808 chat moderator
- Last_Word chat moderator