Rivvur, also known as Riverwood202, has been a long-term veteran player on the server for over 3 years now. She is an active player, but has recently been convicted of severe crimes. She is an avid PirateCraft Wiki editor.


Former Crews

Crew History

She started off playing mid-late 2015 with her friend Shay__ (now inactive) and spent her early days in the British Empire. She then joined the crew Delta with SeconDeath and Shay__ at the time and stayed until it was disbanded and SeconDeath was banned. After that, Rivvur then joined Creed with Shay__, EmperorLew, and Charlee17, and stayed there for a while until it's disbanding. A few months after The Crusaders Of the Void was founded, she then joined Solis as one of the first members after her friends Shay__ and Juiceblox founded the crew, then later became a leader. Solis later disbanded. After Solis disbanded, Chailey and Browe_ then founded Templar and she joined and played a role in the Templar War, fighting BE and APPLE who joined late. She fought against Shay__, Turkeyman11a, CaptainCrackerz and also fought a few APPLE and other BE members. After the end of the Templar War, Chailey and Browe_ starting having some conflicts within the crew so Browe_ left to form his own crew Phantom. Phantom brought some of the powerful BE members and Templar members together, and lasted for a little while. After Phantom, she then spent a little time in the Elven Empire with Reptaria and became good friends. Around a month later, she had been hanging out on the PirateCraft Teamspeak with Cysteen and others, then became decent friends. Cysteen around that time then founded The Asylum, an elite crew which is still alive of 8/26/2018. Rivvur then joined the crew and stayed there for a good couple months. After a few months of TAS, she then moved to Vegapunk Science (VPS) with some of her friends. Lawzoneon was the founder of this crew, and it lasted for around a month. She then moved back to TAS and stayed there for a while. After having some conflicts inside TAS and not liking the direction the crew was going, she left with KetohPie, The_Network, JoeDanger_, and Cappur to form The Coalition. The Coalition (CLTN) was a new crew that took a different approach on self-governing and formed an aristocracy for old powerful players and friends. There were leaders in the crew, but at the same time everyone rules and has a say. After Rivvur joined the crew, she started becoming increasingly toxic towards her old friends from TAS. Rivvur is currently still in CLTN as of 9/9/2018 with some of her good friends. While Rivvur was in the crew, she received an over-exaggerated temp-ban for a month for lying to staff and building a statue. Three days after her ban, she was then un-banned as the admins did not communicate properly and half of them didn't even know she was banned. She is currently waiting punishment for another major crime which involves the forgery of money. (wiki page soon to come -River)

Funny Moments and Related Wiki Pages

  • A funny moment in her history was when her friends in Solis/BE tried to get her married to Steintod unknowingly, also known as Rivvur's Marriage Experience.
  • A related forum page is Havanna, which is the history of one of Rivvur's islands in 'her' unnamed ocean. A lot of her bases are in this area.
  • The forum page for The Coalition is Rivvur's current crew as of 9/9/2018.

Notable Bases

Rivvur has had many bases across her time, and here are a few:

Wars and Accomplishments

Participation in Wars

PirateCraft Accomplishments

  • She owns 2 Elytras.
  • She is on The PirateCraft Build Team.
  • She once had over 60,000 Pounds.
  • During the Horsia War, she made 50,000 pounds in 2 months from selling potions at her shop.
  • She owns almost every custom event weapon or item.
  • She has over 50 days play time.


Within River's 3 years of playing PirateCraft, she has had a clean slate until August 2018. After CLTN unallied TAS, tensions started to rise and players started to get toxic.

  • Unknowningly, she revealed the name of a PirateCraft player in public chat. Long story and will not go in to detail. She received a warning.
  • Rivvur built a statue next to Silverstone47's claim (not knowing it was there) and lied to staff. The situation was over-dramatized. Nahadoth (helper at the time) was majorly involved in the punishment of Rivvur and preforming moderator duties as a helper. Lawzoneon and PythonAce decided the punishment. She was banned for a month for lying excessively. She then had her sentence shorted 3 days later as half of the PirateCraft admin team, Maximus_Terragon and SmokeyRiver did not know she was punished that severely or that she was punished at all. Her punishment was then changed to a 24-hour ban and a warning.
  • Rivvur as of 9/14/2018 is awaiting punishment for the forgery of money. She along with KetohPie and Moossolini brought over 5 million pounds in to the market. (Wiki-page coming soon when punishments decided. Ketoh has been already perm-banned, as he had contributed 4 million of the forged money. Moossolini contributed 1 million and River 200 grand.)