
From PirateCraft
Revision as of 20:06, 23 October 2018 by Lego (talk | contribs)
Don: Don RoMich
Caporegime: SpiderDeluxe
Caporegime: sarisinqatil
Caporegime: Don Sonnino
Active Members: 10
Total Members: 21
Founded: January 1st 2018
Structure: Mafia
Character: Somewhat Aggressive
Allies: XD, Mafia, Cove, XENIA, bgmm, Lone, RA
Enemies: CLTN, BoS, Horse, Isen, Hydra, ASN, TCR, DEK, trj, TRT, DELTA, VER, SHREK, LE, TOX
Peace Treaties: Deckie Island neutrality agreement

An Italian Mafia style crew that rebelled against Juice Pirates and went their on way, they describe themselves as “if you don’t respect us you will become a concrete pillar”


  • 1st January 2018: SirSharky and RoMich02 rebel from Juice Pirates and create CSN for "jokes"
  • CSN starts rapidly growing after the recruitment of youtuber fra267
  • 19th March: SE (SpiderDeluxe's crew) merged with CSN
  • May-June: Buco (fra267's town) gets destroyed by a traitor, which also ended up causing damage to Diana
  • 6th August: The capital, 'New Diana' finished construction after 2 years of hard work
  • 21st August: Rodi, a town for new recruits, also completed construction
  • August 2018: BOTM Rodi gets 1st place and Morandi Bridge at 5th place
  • 23rd October: CSN starts asking for pizzo

Current Projects

  • Meda (sarisinqatil's town)
  • Michgrad (RoMich's town)
  • Pomegranate (Emilio's town)

Ship Battle History


CSN's main headquarters located in the South West Ocean