October 2015
- BlueMerc - Copyrights - Animal Empire, AES (Animal Empire Ship) - Patents - Animal Solider Armour, Animal Solider Swords.
- Palmerageddon - Copyrights - Iborian Empire & IE, Faythe, New Faythe, Lost Faythe, Iboria, Iron Sands, Port Acemunch, Forset Lake, Imperial District, South West Islands, Kittago - Patent - Iborian Stained Clay, Iborian Boars (and related).
- NickyB_123 - Copyrights - The Thirteen Colonies & USA/13CO, Continental Army (and related), Continental Navy (and related), Fort Independence - Patent - Stars and Stripes
- michty - Copyrights - British Empire, BE, British Commonwealth, British Army, Royal Navy, Union Jack, Province of Canada