Lancastrian Empire of Numenor
Lancastria Cross.png
Cross of Lancastria
Monarch: Harry_Potter1212
Founded: July 2019
Government: Monarchy
Capital City: Numenor

The Lancastrian Empire of Numenor (Lancastrian: Imperial del Lancastria of Numenoria), (tag: LEON), is an Empire/Nation that was first founded on PirateCraft in July of 2019 by Harry_Potter1212. At current times, the Lancastrian Empire of Numenor is active and is eagerly looking for more crew members. If you want to join, please contact Harry_Potter1212.


To restore Lecrastain Empire to its former power.

Politics & Government

Current Leaders and Positions of the Lancastrian Empire of Numenor -Federal Government-

  • King of Numenor- Harry_Potter1212
  • Prince of Numenor-
  • Head of Resources-
  • Head of Military of Numenor-
  • Shipwright of Numenor- Iwanio
  • Builder of Numenor -
  • Soldiers of Numenor-
  • Farmer of Numenor-
  • Worker of Numenor-

Branches of Defense

  • Lecrastain Numenorian Navy
  • Lecrastain Numenorine Army

Explanation of how Government Functions

  The Lancastrian Empire is by most definitions a monarchy, but with some degree of changes. The King or Queen of the main bloodline descent, hold the most power within the Lancastrian Empire of Numenor, but their power is shared with that of the Prince of Numenor. There is then the Head of Resources who manages the trade and use of resources. Followed by the Head of Military of Numenor; And so on so forth, each position has its own requirements and can be obtained besides the Kings Position.

Foreign Relations

Nations/Crews Allied With

  • Lecrastain Empire LE
  • Endorion Empire EE

Pacts and Other Non-Aggression Pacts:

Active Members of LEON


During the fall of 2017, Harry_Potter1212 Joined Piratecraft, and after two hours of pirate craft terror, stumbled on the crew of Lecrastain Empire and met TheAgentGamer. TheAgentGamer then saved Harry_Potter1212 from the terror. Harry_Potter1212 was only a deckie then. Harry_Potter1212 was then put in the town of Rainingburough by TheAgentGamer which was not far from where Numenor was founded. During Harry_Potter1212 residence at Rainingburough, Harry_Potter1212 built a fort and started imagining what would eventually become Numenor. Also during that time, Harry_Potter1212 met Furgishmishurr, who was also part Lecrastain Empire.

During the late fall Harry_Potter1212 built a Brewery on top of the hill a little ways from his fort. Harry_Potter1212 then consumed himself into the world of brewing for a month collecting as many recipes as he could you can view these recipies on the wiki the name is Harry's Brewing Guide. Later that year in the early winter, Harry would move to a mountainous area and would build the first house of Numenor.

During the Winter Harry, also built the second house of Numenor. Also during that time the first inhabitants of Numenor came along. His name was Turtle_King