British Giant Ship: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 10:43, 15 January 2018

A ship proposed by CrazyPirate as a possible British Empire Super Weapon during the 'Cold War' and run up to the Second Verussian War, in which there was a wide fear in League of Nations of Inventor John's Entarian Orbital Bombardment System being talked about in the Federation of Nations Alliance and of hinting his questioning on the forums.

The ship would be a 'super massive ship', most likely of Indiaman ship class or perhaps 2 interlocking ships which moved in unison with each other creating one larger ship. The armament would have likely been of great size, with the ship's sides brimming with firepower, as well as probably being clad in obsidian too keep the ship relatively safe from the then, OP high explosive TNT cannon balls and possible ignition from incendiary cannon shots, to stop such a costly Super Weapon / Ship from becoming a diving wreck.

However, the British PM at the time Bislo1, scrapped CrazyPirate's idea of an ocean dominating super ship, for smaller craft that could serve the same purpose as this monstrous ship could cost, especially when phased with the thought that a lightly armed ship could punch through such obsidian armor easily with a despite costly, diamond shot, which if then followed with a couple of explosive shots, could lead to the destruction of a much more costly construction. This and also the hard and complex possibility of such a ship of engineering expertise could be realized was also a contributing factor to the non-existence of the ship and possibly why none of these ships have ever been built or used.