Thirteen Colonies

From PirateCraft
(Redirected from 13C)
The Thirteen Colonies
The Stars and Stripes
The Grand Union Flag (BE/13C combined)
Leaders: NickyB_123 and build1115
Founded: Mid 2014
Structure: Democracy/Oligarchy/Privateering
Character: Peaceful

  • N/A

Overview[edit | edit source]

An aspiring crew led by NickyB_123 and build1115

13C is the original American crew on the server, dating back to early 2014. Sporting the stars and stripes as their flag, the crew is constantly expanding as well as prospering. They are an up and coming nation based on the foundations of democracy, prosperity, and equality. Currently an inactive crew.

To apply for membership, contact either NickyB_123 or build1115

The Constitution and Amendments[edit | edit source]

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Section 1- Basic Laws and Fundamentals[edit | edit source]

  • Stealing is prohibited
  • Slavery is prohibited
  • Foul language, insults, or cursing is prohibited
  • No large projects/construction without a government official's permission
  • No artillery shall be used on 13C soil, unless used to test or in case of attack
  • Keep nature/landscape as beautiful and untouched as you possibly can, we want to have everything stay pretty.

Section 2- Citizen Rights[edit | edit source]

  • All citizens are entailed to good treatment, prosperity, and the pursuit of happiness. Under no such circumstances should these fundamentals be withdrawn from any citizen. (June 15, 2016)
  • All citizens are given the right to participate in any crew/country activity or event. (June 15, 2016)
  • All citizens are given the right to vote in elections and events. Under no circumstance can this be withdrawn from any citizen. (June 15, 2016)
  • All citizens have the right to bear private property, weapons, and items. Though some of these items may be banned from State to State, the person is allowed to keep the banned item as long as they have a permit. (June 15, 2016)
  • All citizens are given the right to own property of their own inside of each State, secluded from any other 13C member, in order for you to get this privilege, you must have a permit by a government official, whether that be the President/Vice President, or the State Governor. (June 15, 2016)
  • All citizens are entitled the rights to gaining higher status, or joining the ranks of a government official. Under no such circumstances shall this be prevented/withdrawn. (June 15, 2016)
  • All citizens are entitled the right of vehicles and transportation, whether that be livestock or a seafaring craft. This permission may be withdrawn under certain circumstances. (September 22, 2016
  • All citizens are given permission to raid/loot and kill any other neutral or rivaled crew. This permission may be withdrawn under certain circumstances. (September 22, 2016)
  • All citizens have permission to join the 13C forum groups, unless stated otherwise. This includes public in-crew forum groups and voting forum groups. Under no such circumstance shall this privilege be withheld from any citizen. (September 22, 2016)
  • (more to come)

Section 3- Government Official Rights[edit | edit source]

  • Government Officials have permission to make decisions depending on the situation, but under no circumstance are they allowed to make majority rule decisions
  • Government Officials can command and lead citizens/soldiers depending on the event and reason. Under no such circumstance shall the Official make citizens do "personal jobs" out of force. Slavery is illegal

Government and Politics[edit | edit source]

The government is divided into two separate branches, the Federal and State branch. The federal government complies its rules to all the states in the Union, while the State branch focuses mainly on each individual state.

Federal Branch[edit | edit source]

The Federal Branch is entitled to all the following responsibilities.

  • Elections, votes, and polls
  • The Continental Army
  • The Continental Navy
  • The Bank (loans)
  • Foreign Affairs and Wars (declaring war)
  • Recruitment
  • Roads, Canals, Railways, and other Federal Property


State Branch[edit | edit source]

The State Branch is entitled to all the following responsibilities.

  • Funding state/nationwide projects
  • Training new recruits
  • Creating laws based off region/popular choice
  • Keeping the environment healthy and beautiful
  • Having Representation in Congress.
  • Dealing with in-state/local problems
  • Setting up housing for members
  • Creating cities and government buildings


-Government Positions[edit | edit source]

The Thirteen Colonies is rightfully declared an Democracy, where trusted, experienced, long time players are promoted and rewarded. Currently, the President is NicyB_123 and the Vice President is build1115.

Government Positions-

  • President (NickyB_123)
  • Vice President (build1115)
  • Secretary of State (dorkito101)
  • Governor (0/13)
  • District General/Fort General (0/13)
  • Admiral of the Continental Navy(0/1)
  • General of the Continental Army (0/1)
  • Media Commissioner (0/1)
  • Militia (0/2)
  • News Reporters/Documenter/Scribe (0/1)
  • Recruitment Officer (0/1)
  • State Representative (0/13)
  • More if needed (Note: None of these are in order of power)

History[edit | edit source]

Founding -[edit | edit source]

Their first fortification, Fort Independence, is based in the South West Ocean of PirateCraft, on the Southern Continent.

In the beginning of 2014, NickyB_123 and Fireglazer founded the "Thirteen Colonies" and built a small fort later to be named "Ft. Independence" For years to follow, the small crew with big aspirations began to work in peace. That would all change.

Internal Conflict -[edit | edit source]

This began when two deckhands, JoeBlub and ProtoNox, were let into the crew, these two players were exceptionally good at PVP, but at the same time stubborn and uncooperative. Under the consecutive decision of Wykkyd_14, build1115, and NickyB_123, it was decided that JoeBlub would be removed from the crew. The plan was carried out by build1115, who was told not to mention it, but tell JoeBlub to ask Nicky for permission back in. Outraged, JoeBlub came to build1115's base, sieged, and killed him (Taking off with only inventory loot). Turmoil sprang up as Proto, Joe, and RoseEditz banned together to defy the leaders of the crew (SilverStone47, Wykkyd_14, build1115, and NickyB_123) Shortly after, SilverStone47 left 13C, and ran off to a new port he was working on. He lived in isolation, as he still does. Not to be disturbed by any war of any kind. This marked the end of a prosperous time for the 13C. Later that day, build1115 left, leaving inactive Nicky (who was on vacation for a week) and Wykkyd_14 to handle the rogues (Later, it merged with the British Empire)

Merging with the British Empire -[edit | edit source]

Now the only active members were Nicky and about two others. Isolated from allies, it was. Decided that the 13co could unite with the BE and still rule under its own name. (Whole merging process was so that everyone was in the same /crew chat) After the crew update in June of 2016, they rejoined their crew, now with the tag of "13C" Entering the summer of 2016 with big plans and a bright future, the Thirteen Colonies are again on their path to expansion and prosperity.

Fall of Dalkon State-[edit | edit source]

In one of the most tragic parts of the 13C's history, Port Dalkon fell to the control of "The Asylum" crew leader Cysteen. SilverStone47, who had owned the port of Dalkon and held possession of it till current owner, "build1115" had enough claim blocks. Tired of waiting and not caring about friendship and relations, Silver gave the whole entire claim to Cysteen. build1115's vault was located on Silver's (now Cysteen's side), so Cysteen took advantage of this, tped in players. And looted the entirety of build's base. With nothing left but crap, build gave over his port (connected to Dalkon) to Cysteen. And thus, begins a new era in 13C history.

Reform and Relocation-[edit | edit source]

With the 1.10 world expansion, it was decided that the entirety of 13C should be moved, turning original states and their borders only into outposts and defenses. The future location of the 13C has yet to be decided, but it is planned to be located in builds new port city of Vernondale.

Independence[edit | edit source]

On September, Nicky was able to re-gain independence from the British Empire. Under the Declaration of Independence, The 13C shall no longer be merged with the British Empire, nor is it responsible for 13C's actions. With this, the 13C can make its own decisions and laws, without any interference of the democratic-elected Government of the British Empire .

Leaving the League of Nations[edit | edit source]

Shortly after 13C's independence from the British Empire, 13C left the League of Nations on October 2nd, 2016. With nothing left to offer, and pointless for what is was created for, [[NickyB_123, build1115, and dorkito101 voted to leave, to establish alliance connections elsewhere. Shortly after, the BE left, leaving only a few crews left in the once mighty LoN. UPDATE: The rest of the LoN crews are gone, as IE, XE, VE, left. The EE Revolution left the crew split, so it was disbanded.

Thirteen Colony States[edit | edit source]

13C is split into different sectors, or States, in which there is a Governor/Representative, Fort Commander/Military Commander, a capital, and 2+ citizens. Only when these circumstances are meet, is the State allowed into the Union. Until those circumstances are met, the land is known as a 'Province' of The Thirteen Colonies.

List of States and Territories[edit | edit source]

List of Dissolved States[edit | edit source]

Current Plans[edit | edit source]

  • 13C is its own crew, the true American crew of the server.

Multiple settlements are under construction and a navy is soon to be built.

  • Work on player housing, as well as the capitals for each state, has begun.
  • Expanding the Navy and Army is in action
  • Negotiations for territory boundaries, as well as mapping them, are underway. MANIFEST DESTINY

Relationships[edit | edit source]

The Thirteen Colonies are apart of 'The Allied' & are a trusted, valued member of it.

A special relationship between the Iborian Empire & the Thirteen Colonies exists after a rough first encounter. Tensions originally occurred between the two crews, specifically the neighboring founders (NickyB_123 and fireglazer) and Palmerageddon. After a few early hostile encounters between the two nations, a lasting alliance was eventually formed.

Laws and Fundamentals[edit | edit source]

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Section 1- Basic Laws and Fundamentals[edit | edit source]

  • Stealing is prohibited
  • Slavery is prohibited
  • Foul language, insults, or cursing is prohibited
  • No large projects/construction without a government official's permission
  • No artillery shall be used on 13C soil, unless used to test or in case of attack
  • Keep nature/landscape as beautiful and untouched as you possibly can, we want to have everything stay pretty.

Section 2- Citizen Rights[edit | edit source]

  • All citizens are entailed to good treatment, prosperity, and the pursuit of happiness. Under no such circumstances should these fundamentals be withdrawn from any citizen. (June 15, 2016)
  • All citizens are given the right to participate in any crew/country activity or event. (June 15, 2016)
  • All citizens are given the right to vote in elections and events. Under no circumstance can this be withdrawn from any citizen. (June 15, 2016)
  • All citizens have the right to bear private property, weapons, and items. Though some of these items may be banned from State to State, the person is allowed to keep the banned item as long as they have a permit. (June 15, 2016)
  • All citizens are given the right to own property of their own inside of each State, secluded from any other 13C member, in order for you to get this privilege, you must have a permit by a government official, whether that be the President/Vice President, or the State Governor. (June 15, 2016)
  • All citizens are entitled the rights to gaining higher status, or joining the ranks of a government official. Under no such circumstances shall this be prevented/withdrawn. (June 15, 2016)
  • All citizens are entitled the right of vehicles and transportation, whether that be livestock or a seafaring craft. This permission may be withdrawn under certain circumstances. (September 22, 2016
  • All citizens are given permission to raid/loot and kill any other neutral or rivaled crew. This permission may be withdrawn under certain circumstances. (September 22, 2016)
  • All citizens have permission to join the 13C forum groups, unless stated otherwise. This includes public in-crew forum groups and voting forum groups. Under no such circumstance shall this privilege be withheld from any citizen. (September 22, 2016)
  • (more to come)

Section 3- Government Official Rights[edit | edit source]

  • Government Officials have permission to make decisions depending on the situation, but under no circumstance are they allowed to make majority rule decisions
  • Government Officials can command and lead citizens/soldiers depending on the event and reason. Under no such circumstance shall the Official make citizens do "personal jobs" out of force.