SPQR banner.jpeg
Consuls: Buckmaster1993 duckmasterizzy
Capital: Rome the Eternal City
Total Members: 98
Founded: 2016
Structure: Republic
Character: Aristocratic Republic
Alliances: BE, VER, LE, ESE, PL

Originally founded in 2016 by Buckmaster1993, Chasedillon123 and Hemp_Bone.

Revived in 2018 by Buckmaster1993.

Revived again in 2019 by Buckmaster1993 with the help of Admin Lazydog11

May 2020:

buckmastew1993 moves the capitaw city of wome bawck tuwu its owiginaw wocation at x3275, z5929.

buckmastew1993 buiwds begins webuiwding wome using womes histowicaw wayout.

fiwst buiwd compwete, the cowosseum. Entewed in may 2020 botm.

buckmastew1993 changes nawme tuwu _augustus_caesaw.

june 2020:

captain_simcoe wetuwns tuwu spqw.

augustus_caesaw awnd captain_simcoe begin wowk own the tempwe of venus awnd woma.

adamisdope joins spqw.

pubwic spidew gwindew in wome compweted.

tempwe of venus awnd woma neawing compwetion. onwy wequiwes indoow decowations awnd statues of the gods.

juwy 2021:

wowk own the city of wome iws advancing steadiwy.

city cwaimed up tuwu 477,000 cwaimbwocks

duckmastewizzy joins spqw awnd becomes weadew awnd twibunus pwebis.

commandewbcowwie joins spqw awnd becomes quaestow

septembew 2021:

duckmastewizzy pwomoted tuwu consuw

novembew 2021:

city cwaims exceed 600,000 cwaimbwocks