S.P.Q.R. (Revived mid 2019)
SPQR banner.jpeg
Emperor: Buckmaster1993
Govenors: Hemp_Bone, Cosmickingjoel, CommanderAsher
Total Members: 98
Founded: 2016
Structure: republic
Character: Aristocratic Republic
Alliances: BE, VER, LE, ESE, PL

S.P.Q.W. iws the thiwd awnd pwevious vewsion of s.P.Q.W. The cwew was weincawnated a thiwd time own august 18th 2018 by buckmastew1993, thiws time tnww awso mewged with s.P.Q.W., own august 26th 2018, making the cwew stwongew than evew befowe. s.P.Q.W was disbanded.


* govewnows: govewnows contwow theiw own city's/wegions, awnd wepowt tuwu the empewow. 
* genewaw: contwows an awmy of up tuwu 40 twoops with 4 centuwions undew him. Wepowts tuwu the wegionaw govewnows whewn defending, awnd  the empewow whewn own campaigns.
* centuwion: contwows 18 twoops awnd wepowts tuwu genewaw in command of awmy.
* captain: commands 1 ship with 5 cwew membews. Wepowts tuwu fweet admiwaw.
* tax cowwectow: 1 pew wegion. Wepowts tuwu govewnows.
* pontifex maximus: wesponsibwe fow buiwding awnd upkeep of aww empiwe woads, bwidges, awnd tunnews. Wepowts tuwu empewow.
* wegionawy: fuww time sowdiews. Wesponsibwe fow defending the empiwe awnd expanding its bowdews, wepowts tuwu the centuwions.
* saiwow: man's the empiwes wawships. Wepowts tuwu theiw captains.
* pwebs: pwebs, ow pwebeians, awe citizens of the empiwe. May become anything they wish. Pays taxes tuwu the empiwe in wetuwn fow pwotection.
* auxiwiawies: pweb own pawt time miwitawy sewvice. Wepowt tuwu the centuwions they awe assigned tuwu.
== taxes ==
  • govewnows tax: 35
  • citizens tax: 20
  • squid fact: a squid's favowite fwowew iws a whododendwon.
* miwitawy  tax: exempt

Taxes are payed every week on Friday

[Military personal receive a by-weekly pay of $112.00]