
From PirateCraft
Revision as of 18:52, 16 October 2015 by Zoroax999 (talk | contribs)
Flag of Corfadia

Corfadia was a powerful province of the British Empire and home to Zoroax999, lil_bit0987, nic123qwe45678, tntminecraft2014, and alittlecreative. Originally an independent state, known as the Kingdom of Corfadia, it first formed, in October 2014 as a fallout bunker from the first Elven Civil War. When Queen Reptaria returned to piratecraft in March, 2015, it pledged allegiance with the British Empire, and was annexed as a province, claiming the surrounding waters, forest, plains, swamp, and mountain biomes.

The main hub of Corfadia is the great central fortress of Castle Despair with its lava moat and thick defensive walls. It proved an effective outpost during Corfadia's conflicts with Evermoor, Unic0rnjunk101, and the 0utlaws wars, and proved to be impenetrable by invaders.

View of Castle Despair from the live map: -5480/-4060

Pre-Formation Era

Destruction of Cornola

In Early October, 2014, the Kingdom of Cornola was destroyed by a wither, and raiders. Weeks before, the Cornolan General, Cornetheus999, had built a small fortress, known as Fort Fortissimi. It was in a far off land, west of Cornola, in an ice taiga biome. Reptaria took refuge there, and Cornetheus999 began a more formal construction.

Construction of Fort Fortissimi

Blueprints were drawn up, and the fort was quickly built up with walls, a few houses, a mine, and harbour. Within the week Reptaria began recruiting new members, such as kiwininja, thelordapples, f1stpump and many more. At the time, nic123qwe45678 had joined the Elves, and then began to live with Cornetheus999. Reptaria and Cornetheus999 occasionally visited the ruins of Cornola to collect materials, but soon Reptaria grew tired of living with his peers, and ventured far south to begin construction of Fort Charleston

Fort Frigus and the First Elven Civil War

With the new construction of Fort Charlesron, Cornetheus999 decided to declare independence from the Elves, and renamed his small kingdom Fort Frigus. The expansion of his harbour rapidly grew, as well as residents of his group. The standardization of ships began, as the first ship class, the Chavez Class ship was invented. This idea would be visited later on in his experiences. Over the next few days, Reptaria began socializing with known hackers, Genovakid56, N4sher007, and Stormer56. By the end of the week, the construction of the walls of Fort Charleston were complete. Later on, the hackers group began to attempt to raid Fort Frigus, and The Battle of Fort Frigus broke out. For a nasty 1.5 hour fire fight, Cornetheus999 ordered a ceasefire and presented peace with Stormer56. However, Reptaria ignored the order and continued to fight the hackers. Eventually Reptaria was killed, but quickly abused /back to return to Fort Frigus and teleport in any known enemies. The next day, their conflicts were worked out in person, and that afternoon on the server Reptaria alerted Cornetheus999 that his town had been set afire, so Cornetheus999 gathered some of his men and rushed to help Reptaria. Once the fires were put out, Reptaria quickly blamed it on the Frigus People, despite it being impossible, and began to attack Cornetheus999. Reptaria was killed and raided repeatedly by Cornetheus999, but quickly retaliated. He brought the hackers to Fort Frigus and bypassed the claim, destroying any soft and hard blocks within the main storage building while not under siege. All materials, including food, tools, building materials, and more were completely lost, and the war was declared over.

Early Formation Era

>post is a work in progress<