Thirteen Colonies

From PirateCraft
Revision as of 04:23, 1 June 2016 by GTerwilliger (talk | contribs)


An aspiring crew led by NickyB_123.

The Thirteen Colonies are the original American crew on the server, sporting the stars and stripes as their flag. Constantly expanding as well as quickly prospering, they are an up and coming nation based on the foundations of democracy.

Their first fortification, Fort Independence, is based in the South West Ocean of PirateCraft, on the Southern Continent.


Civil War - The Civil War began when two deckhands, JoeBlub and ProtoNox, were let into the crew, these two players were exceptionally good at PVP, but at the same time stubborn and uncooperative. Under the consecutive decision of Wykkyd_14, build1115, and NickyB_123, it was decided that JoeBlub would be removed from the crew. The plan was carried out by build1115, who was told not to mention it, but tell JoeBlub to ask Nicky for permission back in. Outraged, JoeBlub came to build1115's base, sieged, and killed him (Taking off with only inventory loot). Turmoil sprang up as Proto, Joe, and RoseEditz banned together to defy the leaders of the crew (SilverStone47, Wykkyd_14, build1115, and NickyB_123) Shortly after, SilverStone47 left 13co, and ran off to a new port he was working on. He lived in isolation, as he still does. Not to be disturbed by any war of any kind. This marked the end of the "true" 13co. Later that day, buils1115 left, leaving inactive Nicky (who was on vacation for a week) and Wykkyd_14 to handle the rogues. RIP 13co. (Later, it merged with the British Empire

Current Plans

Fort Ticonderoga, a block house, and military stables are the beginnings of the Thirteen Colonies' capital, located in the North West West part of the PirateCraft world with NickyB leading the way in construction.


The Thirteen Colonies are apart of 'The Allied' & are a trusted, valued member of it.

A special relationship between the Iborian Empire & the Thirteen Colonies exists after a rough first encounter. Tensions originally occured between the two crews, specifically the neighboring founders (NickyB_123 and fireglazer) and Palmerageddon. After a few early hostile encounters between the two nations, a lasting alliance was eventually formed.


Iborian Empire

British Empire

Xenon Empire

Elven Empire