Port Potato

From PirateCraft

WIP -DeDerpyDerp Main Editor -DeDerpyDerp Created - 4-23-2021

Full History of Port Potato

Founded: Date/Date/2020

Original apart of a "crew" of 3 Deckies, all friends IRL, IronGolem5, Silver_Wild, and DeDerpyDerp, DeDerpyDerp set out south of their original fort near /east for a place to build a port. After buying Firstmate (wanting to own a frigate), he beached his small dhow at the current location of Port Potato. After building a small mini-base, he set north and found a Frigate, to his "suprise" unclaimed. He captured it, took it to the Port, and thus the Port Potato Navy was created, with the first ship being DNS Suprise. (DNS being DeDerpyDerp_'s Naval Ship.) The first crew DeDerpyDerp was in, the original DNE, never lasted but was "DeDerpyDerp_'s Naval Empire". Soon, Sonu06's of AQUA asked DeDerpyDerp to join. He accepted. While his 2 friends were kept in the dark of the port, in order to suprise them.

As DeDerpyDerp invested into the port, becoming more active, his friends became less active. Not much is recorded of this time, sadly.

The First Battle of Port Potato as recounted by DeDerpyDerp "Due to AQUA Agression, and allied force raided Port Potato. I immediately surrendered after realizing his allies weren't coming to help, most of them being offline. Port Potato was allowed to surrender separately from AQUA, and we didn't even face occupation. Soon, negotiations about a war lead to Sonu06, AQUA's leader, to explain that AQUA was a raiding crew. This was the first I had been told of our declared status of raiding. I began trying to succeed from AQUA."

After a peace was negotiated, DeDerpyDerp talked with his attacker, ironically whom he soon reckonized one as the first person he built a ship for. (Person sadly unknown, burnt records) After appolzing for the attack, they helped DeDerpyDerp gain freedom.

Age of Expansion.

By now IronGolem5 and Silver_Wild had moved in, and the port had a oak wood farm, and a Potato farm. This Potato farm caused the name to be "Port Potato". The Port of Potatoes. Yet again not much is remembered of this era, as DeDerpyDerp forgot to keep records.

The Second Battle of Port Potato Due to DeDerpyDerp_'s loyalties to his allies, CSN tried to get DeDerpyDerp to fight ESE, one of his main allies. After much refusing, the largest battle to date at Port Potato broke out. Tl;dr 20 CSN crew members and at least 5 cannons were brought to bear. 5 hours of constant sieging left what was left of the Port near ruin. Port Potato finally surrendered.

The Third Battle of Port Potato DeDerpyDerp, being the only active member of Port Potato, now under CSN rule, had enough. He raised his flag back ontop of the Port, and due to CSN forgetting about the Port, got away with claiming independence without any allied forces helping. This somehow worked.

Post-CSN Rule IronGolem5, being nearly never active, did participate in the third battle, helping burn the CSN flag garrisoned at Port Potato. Silver_Wild had been offline almost 6 months now.

Port Potato was expanding at a large rate, it now having 4 ships to it's name. <ship name here>, DNS Suprise,DNS Potato,DNS Southernly Gale, and DNS Potato-tion Gaurd.

The Silver Incident The Crew of Port Potato, now under the DNE crew name, the crew "Port Potato", had expanded to include some former members of AQUA and 2 deckies. Sadly, most where inactive [Only DeDerpyDerp and Silver_Wild (rarely) have been on, IronGolem5 being on also rarely.

Sadly, after DeDerpyDerp becoming very close friends with Silver_Wild, being "Loved like a brother" (later on DeDerpyDerp realized ironically Silver_Wild hates her family). Silver_Wild suddenly broke ties with DeDerpyDerp with little explanation. (Most details are withheld for respect of Silver_Wild's privacy.)

Soon, None of the Port Potato members were active. Even DeDerpyDerp, "The last of Port Potato", IronGolem5 handing over his claims, and Silver_Wild (who would've been the successor to DeDerpyDerp) leaving, left just DeDerpyDerp. He went offline for almost 6 months, even unlocking his ships and telling allies "all yours, just sail them to a better home." (Luckily none we're ever taken).

The Prussian Renaissance. Yraglacus, a shipwright well know on the server (at least to Port Potato's allies) wished to create a crew, Prussia. DeDerpyDerp joined Yrag in creating Prussia, gifting his port as a colony, the first colony infact, to Prussia. DeDerpyDerp soon became co-leader of Prussia.

Expansion Era Two, Electric Boogaloo

Modern Day Port Potato, now revitalized, is expanding and expects a warehouse and 2 drydocks to be finished soon.

Main Points



Port Potato Shipyards

We build ships.

Port Potato Trading

We trade goods. (Usually Potatoes)

Fleet of Port Potato [DNS] Prefix for all the ships operated by Port Potato.