
Revision as of 16:01, 16 October 2015 by Zoroax999 (talk | contribs) (added more information to members of the town.)

Corfadia was a powerful province of the British Empire and home to Zoroax999, lil_bit0987, nic123qwe45678, tntminecraft2014, and alittlecreative. Originally an independent state, known as the Kingdom of Corfadia, it first formed, in October 2014 as a fallout bunker from the first Elven Civil War. When Queen Reptaria returned to piratecraft in March, 2015, it pledged allegiance with the British Empire, and was annexed as a province, claiming the surrounding waters, forest, plains, swamp, and mountain biomes.

Flag of Corfadia

The main hub of Corfadia is the great central fortress of Castle Despair with its lava moat and thick defensive walls. It proved an effective outpost during Corfadia's conflicts with Evermoor, Unic0rnjunk101, and the 0utlaws wars, and proved to be impenetrable by invaders.

View of Corfadia from the live map: -5480/-4060