Good Boi Gang
British sailors boarding an Algerine pirate ship.jpg
Good Boi Gang in Battle
Founded: March 2019
Structure: Democratic Confederation
Character: Aggressive

The Good Boi gang is an elite organisation whose main purpose is fighting the worst pirates on the server.

The Story

Everything started when Creeprr aka Creeper got sieged for 2 hours straight by Cappur, a notable raider. RoMich02 assisted Creeper at defeating the pirates and they together became great friends and partners. They later formed an organisation named "Good Boi Gang". The third member of the organisation was Cysteen, a notable businessman. Then after more people joined the group and started working together on spying enemies and defeating them.

The first pirate who was killed when the organisation was founded, was Griffine and Nitro by RoMich02 the 25/03/2019. The official war between the "Good Bois" and "Bad Bois" started.

Notable battles - March 2019

  • griffine and nitrodataco by Romich02 25/03
  • ThrowingKnife by Romich02 29/03
  • Grafando by Romich and Creeprr 30/03
  • Driftingsixguns 31/03 by Romich and creeprr 31/03
  • Nitro by Minister and Romich 31/03
  • Shizzle by Creeprr and Romich 02/04
  • Grifine by Sarisqatil 03/04
  • Baconx_ by Romich 10/04
  • Bloatedhippo by Romich 11/04
  • Bloatedhippo by Halo and Verpurst 11/04
  • Bloatedhippo by Romich 12/04
  • Baconx by Romich and saris 13/04
  • Dagoat Mrfabifbad by Crazymoney grafando stas creeprr 14/04
  • Hippo Mrfabi by too many good boys 14/04
  • Yee453 killed 2 times by Creeprr 15/04
  • Frstofox by creeprr 15/04
  • MrFabifab by Sj 25/04
  • Shizzle and nitro by Sj 29/04
  • xfrost by Romich 30/04_Bonzer by sj 19/05
  • Jusa and drifting by Romich 31/05
  • Hippo by Minister 1/06
  • JustSkillz (leon) by Romich 10/06
  • Joshua by Sj 27/06
  • Cappur by Sj 10/07
  • ZackBacon by Sj 2/08
  • ZackBacon by sj 10/08
  • Zackbacon was the last man killed by GBG.

End of an Era

The Good Boi Gang era ended after that last battle. Most of the enemies got banned or left the server. The second Good Boi Era started the 31/07/2019 with new Bad Bois and targets.

Secon Era of Good Boi Gang

The Second era started the 1 November 2019 and ended the 16 January 2020. With the CSN vs DD War (Won by CSN after 100% of active members surrended and left DD).

Notable battles - November 2019

  • Gonnn and moist killed by romich and muru 23/11/2019
  • annisnotafruit killed by bubulus 30/11/2019
  • P5Rsh killed by Stas 5/12/2019
  • ISellHugs killed by Murubutu 20/12/2019
  • MelonIsNotAfruit killed by Romich02 21/12/2019
  • Gonnnn killed by Romich 21/12/2019
  • Melon killed by goldenmoney 25/12/2019
  • Gonnn killed by RoMich 27/12/2019
  • Yee killed by Romich, Murubutu, ftb, andrew 05/01/2020
  • Moist killed by RoMich, Murubutu 12/01/2020
  • Coldat killed by xFtb 13/01/2020

Recorded battles -December 2019

Notable runners -December 2019

  • Sj escaped in total from 4 Fights.
  • Lesaro escaped in total from 6 Fights.
  • WaterPool escaped from 3 Fights.

End of an Era

The Second Good Boi Gang era ended after that last battle. Most of the enemies got banned or left the server. The third Good Boi Era started the 17/01/2020 with new Bad Bois and targets.

Notable battles - Winter 2020

  • Melonisnotafruit by Romich 21/12/2019
  • Gonnn by Romich 21/12/2019
  • Melon by bunch of fullinvis Rome bois 25/12/2019
  • Gonnn by romich 27/12/2019
  • Yee by Andrew,RoMich,murubutu,xftb 05/01/2020
  • Obstiance by Romich 11/02/2020
  • Thefreshlemon by RoMich,water 12/02/2020
  • Azul01_ by Waterpool 13/02/2020
  • Washurass by Moo 14/02/2020
  • Gonnn sj juicebloc by Vec, Romich02 16/02/2020
  • Juiceblok by Romich 16/02/2020
  • Dohtig by Murubutu,Romich 16/02/2020
  • Juiceblock by RoMich02 19/02/2020
  • Juiceblock by RoMich02 21/02/2020
  • Washurass by Moo 22/02/2020
  • Staskingkrol by River 24/02/2020
  • Staskingkrol by Waterpool 26/02/2020
  • sj by Mystic 29/02/2020
  • Blackswan by vec 1/03/2020

Washurass by 04/03/2020

  • cosmick by river 06/03/2020
  • Washurass by Waterpool 09/03/2020
  • 2v6: minister and leon vs gonn wash orphan dddeathsquad gores & griffu. The fight was in Griffu’s trap base . All of DD died except griffu 13/03/2002
  • Kingdurandal by RoMich 14/03/2020
  • Jhonthebard by RoMich 16/03/2020
  • Gonnn by RoMich 16/03/2020
  • Reflectichas by Romich 18/03/2020

End of an Era

The third Good Boi Gang era ended after that last battle. Most of the enemies got banned or left the crew. New era soon? Who knows ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ