HMS Adventure
Crew: British Empire, British East India Company and Parrot Lovers
Captain: Peppykiss395
First Officer: Guineapigplays
Crew Positions: Captain, 1st Officer, Lieutenant, Marine, Navigator, Sailor, Archaeologist, Painter

HMS Adventure is a joint British Empire, British East India Company, Parrot Lovers vessel used for expeditions to undiscovered locations and bringing back rare artifacts.

Positions in the crew

Captain: The current Captain is Peppykiss395. There is only one of these positions on the ship.

1st Officer: The current 1st Officer is Guineapigplays. There is only one of these positions on the ship.

Lieutenant: The current Lieutenants are ItsCrazyDave and Palmerageddon. There are two of these positions on the ship.

Ghost Ship Attack

While sailing towards Port Alexandria from the Southern Ocean the ship was fired upon by a strange ship termed Ghost ship of the Southern Ocean canal which led the Adventure to flee back to Port Royal for repairs.