Elven Bio-Weapon
Affiliation: Elven Empire
Class: C
Number: >2?

These weapons are shrouded in secrecy, and barely heard of, the 'Bio-Weapons' are only known through short accounts by the Elves, in particularly Reptaria, we can only believe them to exist, but have little knowledge of how they operate.

They are believed to be 'buried', something or another below an Elven City to be used at any possible time when that settlement is in trouble.[1]. These weapons are believe to be devoted to genocide, that being through killing without structural damage, ways they could operate include firing splash potions in directions or a set direction or releasing a horde of mobs.

This can only be speculation, rather than due to 'secrecy', it is a rarely talked subject, which contributes to the lack of well spread knowledge of their existence. There is also a slight chance they could be a non-existent deterrent, and rather a warning or a fear of the unknown, rather than what they can do.


Developed after hearing of the Entarian Alliance's Entarian Orbital Bombardment System, and part of the race for LoN members to develop their own Super Weapon in the run up to the Second Verussian War.

It is not known to have been ever use also.


  1. [1], The Elven Empire in response designed a new 'Bio-Weapon' and they had immediately started the construction of them (Elven Bio-Weapon. This 'Bio-Weapon' consisted of several hidden cannons in a major Elven city.