Mesa Basa

From PirateCraft
Revision as of 18:13, 26 February 2023 by Astrobolt (talk | contribs) (added some newer updates, still needs a revamp)
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Mesa Basa
Mesa Basa.png
Designed By: Astrobolt
Operated By: AstroTech R&D
Closest Warp: /warp south

Mesa Basa is Astrobolt's main base. It is also the main base of operations for AstroTech R&D.

Regarded for its highly secretive nature, Mesa Basa stands in the Southern Mesa as both a marvel and a mystery. Despite the deep secrets held inside, Mesa Basa is a base of elegance, compromising neither form nor function in an attempt to create a perfect example of technological dominance.


When Astrobolt joined TAS, Jmoo12086 convinced him that he needed a new base. Astrobolt's old base was filled with problems. It was easy to raid and very vulnerable in regards to its proximity to the Cove. Additionally, essentially being a stone brick box, it was very ugly. Therefore, Astrobolt started work on a new base. The new base would be more isolated with much better security. It would also be in the vicinity of dagersh's town, giving another reason for invaders to stay away.

When Astrobolt first started brainstorming, he used the capabilities of AstroTech R&D to come up with a good design. The only downside was that it was a very resource demanding design.

After several months of building, the main framework for the base was done. While there was still much to be done, the main structure was complete. Due to its top secret status, details cannot be given about the inner workings of Mesa Basa.

After a while, Astrobolt decided to decorate. He built a house on the surface that mixed well with the hard-to-build-with mesa biome. Six beacon spaces were also added. Eventually, a wall was completed around the perimeter of the surface.

After Astrobolt's unban in 2022, they focused on restoring the base to its former glory and once again establishing it as a technological powerhouse. The walls were torn down and the iron was used for a new hopper-based, effectively double-throughput auto-sorter. Other large projects are still under development.

While Mesa Basa is for the most part complete, it is an ongoing project. Improvements are added when needed.


After Astrobolt purchased the Lady Faye from Daniel_McLachlen, he stored it at his old base. Eventually, he made a dock near Mesa Basa to keep the Lady Faye. This dock is an annex of Mesa Basa.


Mesa Basa is regarded as one of the most secure and secretive bases in PirateCraft's history. While its location, being close to /warp south, makes it easy to reach, Mesa Basa's multi-layered, highly-complex security system makes it nearly impenetrable. The redstone systems, developed by AstroTech R&D, make use of fully-custom circuits and interfaces in order to provide an unrivalled level of security while remaining aesthetically pleasing.

While there have been several attempts to raid Mesa Basa, all of them have failed. The security system has held up against glitchers and legitimate players alike, and even against the most advanced hacked clients.

The state-of-the-art security system is under continual development and integrates new features whenever they are available.