Province of Canada

From PirateCraft
(Redirected from Canada)
Province of Canada
Alternate names: Canada
Type: Town with port
Affiliation(s): British Empire
Founded: 2015
Status: Inactive
Mayor: michty
Population: ~4
Builder(s): michty
Industry/Purpose: Defensive and player housing
Size 16,000 blocks
Coordinates: -4100 -3470
Flag of Canada

Canada is a settlement of the British Empire governed by michty. It was one of the first colonies to join the Empire and remains one of the most well developed territories.

Canada is one of the few settlements that doesn't have sea access, similar to Bridgetown. This does make it a less attractive target for pirates, however. Several skirmishes were fought on Canadian soil between the British and foes such as the traitor locknload22 or pirates Bensterpc and Pipsterpc. It is in the West region of the map.

History[edit | edit source]

Canada has been major battlefield during British Empire versus 0utlaws war. Constant attacks from HardTimez led to further fortification of the town.

Structures[edit | edit source]

A large fort, canal with access to the ocean, roughly 10 houses.

View of Canada from the live map: -4100/-3470
View of Canada as of October 2, 2018

Legacy[edit | edit source]

Canada has been major battlefield during British Empire versus 0utlaws war. Constant attacks from HardTimez led to further fortification of the town.

See also[edit | edit source]
