DNS Southernly Gale

From PirateCraft
Revision as of 23:35, 22 September 2021 by DeDerpyDerp (talk | contribs)
DNS Southernly Gale
Affiliation: VISN's Port Potato
Homeport: Port Potato
Builder: DeDerpyDerp_
Constructed: Date needed
Battles: N/A
General Characteristics
Ship Type: Galleon
Class: Southernly Gale
Cannons: N/A (Uninstalled)
Purpose: Ex-Armed Trader, ex-converted Warship. Now a target ship.


The DNS Southernly Gale was the Third ship built at Port Potato, the second being an unknown frigate, lost to time. She was an armed merchant ship, having --- dubs of capacity; and --- cannons to defend herself. She did many voyages to Visitopia and back. One such trip, she was converted into a full warship to block an escape route of a CSN 4th rate, fleeing Visitopia.