Bunker of Flowers

From PirateCraft
Revision as of 09:49, 13 September 2024 by TulipsAndDeath (talk | contribs) (Title change and search engine fix)
The Black Bunker (formerly "The Bunker of Flowers")
The Bunker of Flowers, taken 1/4/2022
Tulipss and death.png
The Black Bunker, taken 9/13/2024
Crew Affiliations: Hydra
Owner: Tulipss
Founded: "Sometime in December 2019"
Type: Base
Status: Active
Population: 1 Active
Location: Polaric Sea
Coordinates: Around -6250, 64, -8520
Total Territory Claimed: Estimated 20,000-30,000 currently
Page Last Edited: 9/13/2024



This base was started December 2019; but most work started in February the following year, after the planning faze. Originally to be called "House of Wolves", the design slowly shifted more and more into a bunker; hence the "Bunker of Flowers" was born. The bunker of flowers was then divided into Eras


"Bunker of Flowers MARK I" (Fig 1); The artificially created island was supposed to host a large gothic-themed cathedral called "the house of wolves", but instead turned into a brutalistic-style bunker called "The Bunker of Flowers"

Rome Era

"Bunker of Flowers MARK II" (Fig 2); The Bunker has been re-armored with 6 additional layers of stone around the top.

Major Battle

October, 2020. *info added later* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4jXYm3EezA "sadly not all of it got recorded this fight was also right in that small era of me transitioning my base to look more hydra and close to the end of rome" EDIT THIS LATER

Hydra Era

"Bunker of Flowers MARK III" (Fig 3); The Bunker has gained another improvement of its armor which has been heavily inspired by the famous Hydra Box, which is known for the iconic grilles all around it.

2023-??? Era

"The Black Bunker MARK I" (Fig 4); The Bunker has been renamed to suit its new appearance. It has been painted black by replacing the stone with polished blackstone bricks and black concrete, while the 4 pillars and upper 4 sides have been replaced with copper which after a year turned green due to oxidation.

Planned additions

As quoted from Tulipss: "(The) future plan is the Hydra super skyscraper, which will be located south of the bunker, and another future plan is a new base gonna be called Hydrarian II; which will be west of it. Another future plan is the "Hanger of illusions" which will be the biggest Building Piratecraft has ever seen; far southeast of it.


Other things to note

Image Dropdown

Yep these are the images. All images will go into this expandable list, to allow them to be hidden as the text formatting will be weird if the images are always shown. Please refer to images in text as "See fig. #", for example:

Fig 3, Map as of 1/4/2022
Fig 4, Map as of 9/13/2024
Fig 1, Screenshot as of 2019

See also
