
From PirateCraft
Revision as of 23:00, 5 April 2021 by KCherry (talk | contribs)
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In-game Skin
Date Joined: 9 October 2020
Rank: Boatswain
Crew: VAL
Crew Rank: High Lord of Valyria

Basic Information

Name: KCherry_ (Cherry)

Rank In-Game: Boatswain

Crew: the Valyrian Freehold (VAL)

Crew Rank: High Lord of Valyria

Previous Crews: FROGE


KCherry_ is a newer member to PMC, having joined in October of 2020. After joining the server, KCherry_ almost immediately joined the crew FROGE after being invited by Son_Of_Tyr. She was close friends with many members within ROME, having known a few outside of PirateCraft. When a new crew, the Valyrian Freehold, was formed; Cherry followed her new friends into the crew.

Current Information

After leaving FROGE, KCherry_ joined VAL on October 24th, 2020. She was soon after promoted to Baron of Valyria where she assisted Son_Of_Tyr and the other Dragonlords with anything they needed. She assisted in mainly building within larger cities such as Valyria and Dragonstone. In late January, Cherry was then transferred to Baron of Volantis due to her consistent admiration and assistance to Atalantaa. Within February of 2021, KCherry_ took a short break but then soon returned with the support of her close friends; Enderzalt and many others. Throughout March, she assisted Enderzalt and CreatingWithKass with building and supplying potions and other materials to the Valyria City. On March 31st, 2021, the election for a new High Lord of Valyria was held; where Cherry was promoted after a landslide of votes from her fellow crew members. Cherry continues to focus on the buildings and people of Valyria due to her leadership and support from her amazing friends and crew members.