Fort Terragon

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Fort Terragon is a large naval fortification on the Andonian Continent owned by Maximus_Terragon and his crew, the Xenon Empire. It is located north east of the cove, half way to the edge of the map, and has access to the Andonian Sea at X: Y: Z: . Due to its grand ball room, and strategic location on the map, it is used by several allied Empires and Republics to host events and be used as a trading port.


Like every large trading port, Fort Terragon started small as a 'pirate hideout' in a ravine located in a savanna biome, attached to a small bay in May 2015. Maximus_Terragon took over an untouched deckhand hut, with many raw materials, previously owned by TundraWolf26 who had been inactive for a year. The raw materials enabled Maximus to start planning the walls of his planned 'small port'. Little did he know the sheer size the project would become.

After 36 hours of building, mining, raiding and more building, the main wall was finished, along with 2 houses and a small dock for 2 dhows. After leveling half the mountain and digging up space for the remaining inner port, the first players started visiting the place, such as Lego, who soon became the main ally of Maximus_Terragon.

The Ball Room

The ball room was the next large project that was started at the still small, Port Terragon. The ball room was made to house events such as feasts or balls for any empire to use. It would also house the private quarters of Maximus_Terragon, along with a treasure room. In July 2015, the Elven ball was hosted at the ball room, much to Reptaria's liking. However the ball ended in a blood bath with the Outlaws arriving, led by HardTimez. The ball room is very much complete as of January 2016.

The extension

With the majority of the port completed, Maximus felt the need to expand the port, ultimately making it a fort with the addition of the sturdy outer wall. The outer wall increased the size of the port by 120%, more than doubling the area. The outer wall is reserved for the farmland, the woods and the public port and market. The inner wall is reserved for the private docks for the inhabitants, the shops, the private quarters of Maximus_Terragon, and houses for inhabitants. The amount of dock space increased from 5 small docks, and 1 large dock; to 16 small docks and 3 large docks. The outer wall features several cannons for defensive purposes. The extension is still under construction.


Fort Terragon originally started as an independant port, however as Lego was the main ally of Maximus, he followed him into the Outlaws for a bit, before briefly joining Lotus and finally becoming part of Lego's own empire, the Ottoman Empire. The port saw its wealth and influence in the world flourish during this time, serving as the Ottoman Capital up until late July 2015, until Maximus_Terragon left the Ottoman Empire in search of a smaller, growing empire. Soon after, he met Icanra and joined his crew, the Luteus Republic. The Luteus Republic offered the port to engage more in trading, and had a more relaxed approach compared to the Ottoman Empire. The now 'fort' Terragon served as the main trading and naval fort of the LR, and Maximus was promoted to Admiral of the LR. After being promoted, he left the crew 'Luteus' however remained a part of the Luteus Republic after creating his own crew, the Xenon Empire (pronounced zenon).

After a confrontation in early September 2015, Maximus left the Luteus Republic leader, Icanra. And the fort was now once again primarily owned by Maximus_Terragon himself. The port has recently been declared an 'allied port' of the Luteus Republic after the confrontation had been resolved, however remaining independent.