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672 bytes added ,  22 December 2018
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The town is relatively isolated in comparison to most other settlements, and requires a long journey by dhow to arrive at its shore. The town also has a harbor.
The town is relatively isolated in comparison to most other settlements, and requires a long journey by dhow to arrive at its shore. The town also has a harbor.

the history of cat town is about sgbyellow he always wanted to create a town,so his father mabturquoise (use sgbyellows sisters acount) went out to find a safe place to build cat town.he named this place cat town because he loves cats.while he was searching he stubbed accross an island far away from the warps ( witch that would make it hard to get to).so he made this island the island of cat town.his son sgbyellow had to do some flatening to get his bass on flat ground . after he built his bass he build a harbor,then the city.by then lots of people have seen were sgbyellows new bass was because they were always good to raid but no one really dared to go out there.he then showed his friend around named peppykiss395 and she found a villager the last of his village. so they made this man ( or woman) the mayor.p.s he was a black smith.after a few houses were up mabturquoise said,"SON YOU NEED TO BUILD A WALL AROUND CAT TOWN BEFOR YOU GET RAIDED"."fine",sgbyellow repiles.so i start on the wall with the gate up and ready thx to my friend harrypotter12_12.me pep and harry go back a long way but that's a story for another time.right befor he got the wall to to the other island that was very closs he was attack but i have seemed to have forgoten who killed me.after the guy left i fineshed the wall but not in one day ( in real life) more like a week.afer that week we got a wall all the way infront of the ocean beacause my father said thats were they will be coming from  the ocean!but remember it was around cat town not his bass.one time when he was in his bass he was seiged again i dont remember by who but how they won was cleaver but not to us!so they made this type of cannon that can shoot trough walls.so thats how they killed use and won the seige but they got nothen!thats because were smart we put stone bricks on top of the chests (for those of you who havent played pirite craft putting a block of stone will make it seige proof witch means they cant open it).thats really it only one more this we got a mayor a wife.
the history of cat town is about sgbyellow he always wanted to create a town, so his father mabturquoise (use sgbyellows sisters account) went out to find a safe place to build cat town. He named this place cat town because he loves cats. While he was searching, he stubbed across an island far away from the warps (witch that would make it hard to get to).so he made this island the island of cat town. His son sgbyellow had to do some flattening to get his bass on flat ground after he built his base, he build a harbor, then the city.by then lots of people have seen were sgbyellows new bass was because they were always good to raid but no one really dared to go out there. He then showed his friend around named peppykiss395 and she found a villager the last of his village. so they made this man ( or woman) the mayor’s P.S. he was a black smith. After a few houses were up mabturquoise said, “SON YOU NEED TO BUILD A WALL AROUND CAT TOWN BEFOR YOU GET RAIDED"."fine",sgbyellow repiles.so i start on the wall with the gate up and really thx to my friend harrypotter12_12. Me pep and harry go back a long way but that's a story for another time. Right before he got the wall to the other island that was very close he was attack but I have seemed to have forgotten who killed me.after the guy left i finished the wall but not in one day ( in real life) more like a me.after that week we got a wall all the way in front of the ocean because my father said that’s were they will be coming from  the ocean! But remember it was around cat town not his bass.one time when he was in his base he was sieged again i don’t remember by who but how they won was cleaver but not to us! So they made this type of cannon that can shoot trough walls.so that’s how they killed use and won the siege but they got nothing! that’s because were smart we put stone bricks on top of the chests (for those of you who havent played pirate craft putting a block of stone will make it siege proof which means they can’t open it).that’s really it only one more this we got a mayor a wife. Hats because were smart we put stone bricks on top of the chests (for those of you who havent played pirate craft putting a block of stone will make it siege proof which means they can’t open it).that’s really it only one more this we got a mayor a wife.
We wish to thank Peppykiss395 for her help in setting up this page.
We also wish to thank all those folks who have shown us kindness and helped during out stay here on this outstanding server (thank you Admins and Gods). We especially thank our most generous and benevolent King Vlad.