SpikyCactus_ started his PirateCraft journey in mid-2018 under the name Gamer_2105. For approximately 4 months, he was a highly-respected member of the crewDawgs, and eventually worked his way up to being a leader. After awhile, he began to get bored of Dawgs, so he began his own adventure and set out to create theDominion Of Canada. His big dream never really panned out, and he quickly became inactive. He was inactive for approximately 4-5 months and then he came back to join BE. Spiky enjoyed BE, he quickly ranked up and became their Foreign Secretary, but then left to join HI - he was looking to establish himself as a successful businessman. Spiky only ended up staying in HI for a day or two, and quickly got invited to be a leader inMelonIsNotAFruit'screw; the infamousPython. It didn't take long for Spiky to joinTAS, where he enjoyed chilling with his insane friends. That little time in TAS didn't last long, even though he loved it there, he was kidnapped once again bySjIsNotAFruit,MelonIsNotAFruit, andWaterPool, after they wanted him to help them buildDD. Just like before, Spiky once again was kidnapped byCysteen, where he was welcomed back to TAS. As of 2019/12/04, Spiky is living happily in TAS with his friends.