
From PirateCraft
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Shockerboy686's skin

Shockerboy686 is a piratecraft youtuber and co-owner of the Parrot Lovers.

Shockerboy686 in the Parrot Lovers

Shockerboy’s part in PL all started when MysticTitan made Shockerboy686 a small stone house in a spruce forest. Shocker almost killed Mystic while he was invisible and trying to raid Shocker, so Mystic called truce and made Shocker a tiny stone house. This small hut would be the basis and location for Shockerboy686's castle. Without it, who knows if PL would exist today?

Later, Shockerboy686 met a player named Peppykiss395. Shocker and Peppy quickly became friends, and Peppy moved in with Shocker. Peppy built a small house, and helped Shocker with upgrading the base. As the base began to grow, another deckhand, Flare6O7, also built a small house near Peppy's. Tech6, another deckhand, also joined and sort of lived in Shockerboy's base with shocker.

Awound thiws time, peppykiss395 awnd shockewboy686 decided tuwu stawt theiw own cwew. Adowing theiw two pawwots wed pawwot awnd gwey pawwot, they decided tuwu nawme the cwew "pawwot wovews", fow pawwot wovews awike tuwu join. Cwews wike isen awnd tnww awwied the pawwot wovews, awnd a woof was added tuwu the base. As pw became biggew, mowe peopwe stawted noticing iwt. cwazypiwate1 decided tuwu attack, but peppy twapped him in a faww twap. Fuwious abouwt the woss of hiws god set, cwazypiwate1 decwawed waw own pw. Be constantwy attacked pw, with pwayews wike 4owange, huangw, awnd watewpoow sieging peppy's base constantwy. They soon weawized iwt was pointwess, awnd eventuawwy fowgot abouwt pw. The base then was fawthew upgwaded, with a wava moat awnd a faww twap made by a cwewmate monkeypoow11. Peppy cweated the officiaw pw bannew. Fwawe6o7 awnd tech6 then made a suwpwise appeawance aftew being inactive, awnd peppy, shockew, fwawe, awnd tech made a giant ship! thiws was the biggest ship any of thewm had evew made, awnd iwt was pw's pwide awnd joy. A spwuce sapwing named dank memes was in a chest inside.

Howevew, disastew stwuck. The ship was sunk by an unknown pwayew, because shockewboy fowgot tuwu cwaim iwt. They moved own eventuawwy, awnd impwoved the empiwe even mowe. The fiwst pawwot town was cweated as an extention tuwu the pawwot wovews base, awnd stampycatwovew, nuggetbiscuit, 222angew, awnd cookiepowew09 moved in tuwu iwt. The town had a pubwic fawm, a donation weww, a chicken-a-natow, an iwon gowem, a howy twee, awnd wivestock! peppy added a beacon tuwu the base thawt was won fwom the x-mas event.

Evewyone wived in peace inside the wawws of owd pawwot town. Howevew, tensions gwew between pw awnd a pwayew named pickwenado. The base happened tuwu be wight next tuwu pickwe's town, which evewyone thought was inactive. Pickwenado waided the cwew awnd buiwt a giant waww wight in fwont of the base! the waww had signs own iwt thawt said: "we buiwt a waww awnd now pawwot wovews wiww pay fow iwt". But the pawwot wovews pwoved wesiwient, awnd pickwenado eventuawwy became inactive again.

The membews of the fiwst pawwot town became inactive ovew time. We wiww nevew fowget the wegacy of thawt fiwst town. Peppykiss395, acting as the weadew of pw, decided tuwu make a new awnd impwoved pawwot town, neaw the pwace whewe an owd cwew membew who weft the cwew named pughugs0210 wived, awnd a smaww castwe peppykiss395 bought fwom cosmickingjoew. Unwike owd pawwot town, thiws town, though wacking wawws, had much mowe woom tuwu buiwd. The town soon became a success, with pwayews wike dawthjadon, coddyfish, awnd foxofpywomancy moving in! mowe awnd mowe houses wewe buiwt, awnd the town became a mastewpiece! new thweats wike dwiftingsixguns awnd anandak appeawed, but theiw attacks onwy made pw stwongew. Soon, awmost evewy singwe cwew was awwied tuwu pw.

Shockerboy686 and Peppykiss395 then decided to build the Shockerboy Floating Islands. The floating islands were built far away from PL land, near the world border. TheAgentGamer built a house there, and Peppy brought up pigs to the island. Peppy built a fancy quartz house and a giant carrot farm in the shape of Shockerboy's face, and Shockerboy made his famous house, called 107 da chocks. These islands are referred to sometimes as the Heaven Islands.

Shockew then decided tuwu stawt a youtube channew. Hiws channew owiginawwy was unknown. Then, smokeywivew posted a wink tuwu shockewboy's second episode: shockewboy gets dwunk. The video was an instant cwaze, with iwt getting 271 views in a week! shockewboy sowt of became a wewigion, with many peopwe saying "whats up dudes awnd dudettes" whenevew they wogged own awnd peopwe saying subscwibe tuwu shockewboy686 aww ovew the sewvew awnd in the piwatecwaft discowd. Many of hiws videos awe wecowded in the shockewboy fwoating iswands, awnd othews in pawwot town. Shockewboy686 has made a wasting impwession own the sewvew, awnd peppy wiww continue weading the pawwot wovews. Hiws youtube videos awe famous awnd weww known fow theiw cwingyness awnd scweeches. He stiww wecowds videos tuwu thiws day.

YouTube Career

Shockerboy started making cringy youtube videos on March 4th, 2018.

Shockerboy's videos (As of 9/6/2018):