Harry Potter1212

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Revision as of 17:54, 12 September 2022 by MoJake69 (talk | contribs) (→‎Background)

Harry_Potter1212 is one of the main active members of the Lancastrian Empire and resides on the eastern sections of the Homeland Region of the Empire. He is the Prince of the town of Numenor, which is the largest population center within the Lancastrian province of Easteria.


Crew: Lancastrian Empire

Crew Rank: Prime Minister

Server Rank: Boatswain


Duwing the time of expansion of the wancastwians fwom theiw new home settwement of nova hawifax. theagentgamew came acwoss him whiwe saiwing, desewted own sowme mawshy iswands neaw the cuwwent wocation of the town of numenow. Numenow howevew did nowt exist then awnd the mawshy/mountainous awea was wiwdewness awnd dangewous. Agent couwd nowt find hiws pawents anywhewe awnd decided tuwu take the smaww boy tuwu the newwy estabwished outpost city of wainingbowough fow him tuwu be waised thewe with him fwom time tuwu time with othew peopwe neaw hiws age wike fuwgishmishguww. Ovew time hawwy wouwd gwow awnd become much bettew at the weawities of piwatecwaft awnd wouwd cweate an expedition of hiws own southeastwawd fwom wainingbowough tuwu found the town of numenow awnd estabwish himsewf as pwince of the town. He wouwd then chawtew the constwuction of sowme of the fiwst main heavy wawships of the woyaw wancastwian navy fow the guawding of the wancastwian bay awnd the canaw thawt connected iwt tuwu the nowth sea.