The small Scoryenthean Empire town of Crythus is home to many of Scoryenthea's members and troops, its a small town over looked by Fort Nitro for protection from oncoming raiders and more

Town Of Crythus
Flag of Crythus
Mayor: NitroDaNub
RoyalEnforcer: CottgeCooper
architect: NitroDaNub and inspector95
residents: 4 KriegsMarine , 1 Sniper
townspeople: 5 players inhabit Crythus
DefenseSystem: 10 troopers , Fort Nitro , Royal Enforcer
Founded: August 1st 2018 by NitroDaNub
Structure: Cystianism and Noodaliyehism
AllowedIn: GingfulGlider , lakesidekiller , Peppykiss395
NO Entry: Everyone not allied


High Ranking Officials

Military inhabitants

Plans for the future and in progress

  • expand the island
  • make a effective trading port
  • plant 25 Maxim HMG's around the town when fortified
  • set 10 turrets for defense
  • make a giant castle for the mayor
  • make Crythus ships
  • construct 10 SCF-75 Death Stalker Fighter Jets
  • construct Crythus into Scoryenthean Empire's Capitol