the small Scoryenthean Empire town of Crythus is home to many of Scoryenthea's members and troops its a small town over looked by Fort Nitro for protection from oncoming raiders and more

Town Of Crythus
Mayor: NitroDaNub
RoyalEnforcer: I_AmToucanSexual
architect: NitroDaNub and inspector95
residents: 5 current residents
townspeople: 4 players inahbit Crythus
DefenseSystem: 10 troopers , Fort Nitro , Royal Enforcer
Founded: August 1st 2018 by NitroDaNub
Structure: Cystianism and Noodaliyehism
AllowedIn: GingfulGlider , lakesidekiller , Peppykiss395 and Hozka_
NO Entry: Everyone not allied unless the mayor gives you permission