/kit bible

The Go-to survival, getting started guide book.

Bible Contents

The bible contents are pulled from the raw text file from the server, these have been copied here so that people can add and update the Bible.

Edit in between the pre tags.

Ahoy matey! Tis be
Strong enough for
Looting, Killin?
Will you Build a 
Ship or Steal one?
Build a Village or
Full &9/info&r.
&nPirateCraft Rules&r
&c1&0 Be respectful
&c2&0 Be Polite
&c3&0 Be Sensible
&c4&0 Mature Gameplay
&c5&0 No Hacking
&c6&0 No Begging
&c7&0 You &acan&0 loot
Full &9/rules&0 list.
&nProtect Land&r
Right click with a
&6Golden spade&0 to 
protect && resize 
Right click with a
&6stick&0 to examine 
land claims.
Full info &9/claims&0
&nStand in a claim to
&9/trust&0 Player Build
&9/ut&0 Untrust/(all)
&9/at&0 Use buttons, 
levers, && beds
/at + Animals 
&9/trustlist&0 List trusts
&9/sc&0 Subdivide claim
Deletes claim.
Give away a pet
Deletes all of your claims.
Use money to buy 
claim blocks.
Sell claim for money.
&9/siege&0 Claim
To attack player.
&c1&0 DeckHand
&c2&0 Cadet &3*
&c3&7 Sailor
&c4&7 Carpenter&6 *
&c5&7 Gunner&e *
&c6&7 Boatswain&d *
&c7&a Lieutenant&7 VIP
&c8&a Commander&6 VIP+
&c9&a Captain&d VIP++
&c*&9 Commodore &7Mod
&c*&6 RearAdmiral &7SMod
&c*&5 ViceAdmiral&7 Admin
&c*&c Admiral&7 Owner
&9&n/donate &0&nranks
&c1&0 Green Username!
&c2&0 More Sethomes!
&c3&0 Donator Kits!
&c4&0 Spawn Eggs!
&c5&0 VIP Commands!
&c6&0 In-game Money!
&c7&0 Donator Ships!
&c8&0 More Cannons!
&9/howtoplay&0 New?
&9/info&0 Overview
&9/map&0 Map Link
&9/donate&0 VIP
&9/rules&0 List Rules
&9/spawn&0 Go to spawn
&9/sethome&0 Sets Home
&9/delhome&0 Deletes
&9/home&0 Warp home
&9/stats&0 Basic Stats
&9/rank&0 Ranking
&9/track&0 Track Rank
&9/ships&0 Ship Names
&9/crews&0 Crews
&9/coinage&0 Money
&9/help&0 All Commands
&9/afk&0 Set Away
&9/bal&0 Wallet 
&9/ignore&0 A pirate 
&9/kits&0 Kits 
&9/mail&0 Email
&9/msg&0+&9/r&0 Direct
&9/warps&0 Warps
&9/recipe &0Crafting
&9/vote&0 Money
&9/shop&0 Shops
&9/brewing&0 Custom
&9/request&0 Requests
&9/calc&0 Calculator 
&9/bounty&0 place 
&9/xpboost&0 tokens
&9/updates&0 changes
&nMinecraft colors&r:
&0 &&0  &1 &&1  &2 &&2  &3 &&3
&4 &&4  &5 &&5  &6 &&6  &7 &&7
&8 &&8  &9 &&9  &a &&a  &b &&b
&c &&c  &d &&d  &e &&e  &f &&f
&&l &lBold
&&m &mStrike&r  &&n &nUline
&&o &oItalic&r   &&r &rReset
&0By: &cGodsDead
&0Version: &50.9
&0PirateCraft&5: 2.1
&0 Join &9/discord&0
&0 Join &9/teamspeak&0
&0 Facebook:
&5 pirateminecraft
&0 Twitter:
&5 @minecraftpirate