4th Battle of Port Potato

Revision as of 05:01, 26 July 2021 by DeDerpyDerp (talk | contribs) (Created page with "WIP -DeDerpyDerp<br />7-26-2021; 12:40am EST.<br />As I, (DeDerpyDerp_) was minding my own buisness, a full god armor'd Olpx showed up to my port. I then immediently...")
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WIP -DeDerpyDerp
7-26-2021; 12:40am EST.
As I, (DeDerpyDerp_) was minding my own buisness, a full god armor'd Olpx showed up to my port. I then immediently, bravely, logged off and watched the live map. As this went on, I was in a call with PIPPIP5789, so I told him and our discord of the... situation.

Later, I logged back on and fleed to /warp meet. Safe place I assumed. I then msg'd olpx.

Eventually I went back to my port (Shameless plug off Port Potato), and then gave Olpx a tour, as he claimed to be peacefully visiting. Soon, I showed him the bunker I would live in, but I don't really live in anymore. He then found the area I sell potatoes at, found out that you can't lock hoppers from being stolen from, and took 7+ stacks of raw potatoes from my stockpile, (probably more), and sold them back to me at .11 a stack. (Low price, ik).