Agentism is a political philosophy that strongly is based on the works of TheAgentGamer and the governmental practices of the Lancastrian Empire. The name was officially coined by Harry_Potter1212 back in 2018.
Agentism believes that a government is necessary for the continuation of a cultural and stable foundation for the citizenry, and the representation internally. Which is why it tends to allow monarchism in limited form to exist, as the monarch provides a cultural and stable foundation. It believes that the citizenry ought to be free to do as they please, only working with governmental authority for rare construction projects (which are voluntary), or in the rare occasion a call to arms or keep the peace (which may be voluntary or not depending on the scope). In this sense, the government treats all citizens equally, even when naturally some citizens will be richer or more powerful than others.
In this sense, Agentism may seem to agree with Colrainism, with the belief of people having the right to do as they please and a belief that the lower classes should be treated on an equal standing to that of the upper classes. However, it will disagree with Colrainists on the belief of hatred for the "ruling donator elite." Agentism argues that the donator class will naturally and inevitably exist, as it sees true equality impossible naturally and that some people will be necessary for the sustaining of the server. Rather than work against them, Agentism would argue for the alliance with them, or just working your own path without them. Agentism would also argue that it is not hard to overpower the donator class on the server, and that they pose little threat overall to all peoples of the server.
In Practice
Governmentally, Agentism argues for a limited government and bureaucratic engines for a more hands-off approach to internal and citizenry development. It is usually monarchical in nature, with usually another section of the national governmental body being elected like a Prime Minister. Below this is a "Governor" that will oversea a large chunk of territory within the nation. The Governor, and even the few people within the national government, will be able to and have the responsibility to represent the citizenry internationally, settle disputes, and in the unlikely of situations, call to arms. These "Heads" will and sometimes also help plan out the construction of infrastructure and towns, although a large chunk of that is still done within the citizenry itself. Even within these roles that the government plays, it still should task them minimally, allowing for maximized individual and collective citizenry action for the citizenry to maximize its self-reliance and happiness.
Economically, Agentism argues again for limited government and bureaucratic engines for a more hands-off approach to internal and citizenry development. The citizenry ought to have almost full say as to how they make, buy, and sell goods and services. Indeed in a free-market, the citizenry will naturally flow towards the citizenry wanting to own the rights to their own labor in a co-op like fashion, with all rights to assemble anyway they like which includes Unionization. With this, Agentism still allows the creation of capitalist business entities, however it believes overtime with a true free-market, the power of co-op and unionization, and the removal of governmental defense, that capitalist businesses will have no real ability to form large and abusive corportist entities and instead stay in safer forms unable to profit off of wage slavery.