VEN Jutland
Affiliation: VISN's Port Potato
Homeport: Port Potato
Builder: DeDerpyDerp_
Constructed: (11/9/2021)
Commissioned: (11/23/2021)
Battles: N/A
General Characteristics
Ship Type: Galleon
Class: VEN Trafalgar Class
Cannons: 48 Cannons
Purpose: Heavily Armed Warship


Being Built

The VEN Trafalgar was a very heavily armed warship, and her half sister, the VEN Jutland, was an even heavier upgunned ship. The VEN Jutland is a custom design, literally a rip off of the Trafalgars, but just barely better. She will be the flagship of DeDerpyDerp_, and Port Potato. She was finished mere minutes after her half sister, the VEN Trafalgar.


  • soon to be commissioned to be the new flagship of Port Potato's fleet*
The first time VEN Trafalgar and VEN Jutland where seaworthy, and where together.
The VEN Jutland (right), under construction, catching up to her half sister