Icanra - Pronounced Ik - an - rar

Race: Lutian


  • Icanra
  • Orange Leprechaun
  • The First Lutian
  • Senator
  • Ra
  • Ican
  • Ic


Icanra is the founder and ruler of the Luteus Republic, and has the rank of Senator, which is the highest position besides from those in the Council of Luteus. Origionally joining the server in early 2014, he joined Bislo1 as one of his two crew members before leaving the server for about 3 months, after coming back to a destroyed base. He then went to work for TheUdderMilker and then joined The Milker Bandits, this ended after TheUdderMilker was banned and then the crew got disbanded. After leaving to make a small island base, and being terrorised countless times, he joined up with dorkito who tricked him into helping him pull off several major raids, before betraying him and taking his beacon and other loot. After many attempts he eventually started a semi-successfull crew with the help of Maximus_Terragon and Zee_King_Bee_XD. Although getting countlessly attacked was supposed to terrorise Icanra, it taught him all the vital lessons to becoming powerful and now is at the wheel of a growing crew, hoping to make the PirateCraft world a better place.