The Assassins: Difference between revisions

m (Edited the ASN Page)
m (Edited the ASN Page)
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[[File:ASNBanner.png|300px|link=|alt=The ASN Banner.|right|middle|thumb|The ASN Banner.]]<a><img alt="The ASN Banner." src="/images/2/28/ASNBanner.png" decoding="async" width="120" height="240" class="thumbimage" data-file-width="120" data-file-height="240"></a>  <a class="internal" title="Enlarge"></a>The ASN Banner.
[[File:ASNBanner.png|300px|link=|alt=The ASN Banner.|right|middle|thumb|The ASN Banner.]]

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In late April of 2020, [[President_B]] joined and the crew has become more active from time to time. He is currently wanting the position of leader and has goals of building many ports and setllements along the coasts of PirateCraft and to build up a navy for the crew.
In late April of 2020, [[President_B]] joined and the crew has become more active from time to time. He is currently wanting the position of leader and has goals of building many ports and setllements along the coasts of PirateCraft and to build up a navy for the crew.