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it started 2015 i was a young soul new to the server next thing i knew i join [[EE]] the elven empire which is now know as [[EM]] it was a nice server but minutes later i was told by my queen [[Reptaria]]
it started 2015 i was a young soul new to the server next thing i knew i join [[EE]] the elven empire which is now know as [[EM]] it was a nice server but little did i know minutes later i sent into battle by my queen, [[Reptaria]] she said i was to fight, then i was tped into a raid i was given an iron axe and iron armor and was hurried into battle we fired cannons from our ship being only hours new to the server i did not realize what i had gotten into. i rushed into battle with my fellow elves watching them being slaughtered in the hail of arrows they hurtled past our drab faces as we watched are comrades die before us it was a horrific fight i watched a elf's head get torn clean off by an axe. We were rushing and pushing as hard as we could then i encountered it... he was in a Gset i have never really encountered one before neither did my fellow comrades so we rushed him it was just like the battle of the Somme we were cut down like butter his wrath was like a Maxim machine gun cutting down infantry we stood little chance. Slice after slice he cut us down elven troops were withering away so i jumped into action taking him straight on with 3 others we were critting him like mad but we watched as he killed us 1 by 1. after mere seconds one of my comrades fell then another they were dropping like flies i was dodging i thought i was fine.. i heard a sudden crack my axe had broke over his glowing armor SHING! my i felt his sword decimate my plane iron armor cracking the unhardened plates seconds later i was with my comrades dead  on the floor. i thought i was done but i was sent back re equipped this time with a sword i charged once more this time with more elves with me CRRRCK SHINNG!! this time his armor was breaking  we hacked at him with all our might as more elves joined the fight i was ecstatic then i hear arrows whiz buy my head there were more than 1 i watched reinforcments being slaughtered while desperately needing them. then i looked i saw the Brig that i came on in the start of the fight. Seconds later i heard heard a ping the ping ping of a cannon getting ready to fire i did not recognize this sound at the time but my comrades... did i was facing the foe head on while they leaped to safety BANG!! the cannon was loaded with Canister shot it was me and the enemy in the way the dreaded shards of steel and lead sheared through my thin breastplate and devastated my helmet
i had gaping wounds but i survived but the enemy did not. I walked limped over to the shore desperately needing help a golden apple maybe some food but it was too late the enemy had launched a volley of arrows that decimated our forces and killing me in an instant. after a long hard day of fighting we finally took the fort that was my first day in PirateCraft