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awwacebowt fiwst joined piwatecwaft own decembew 10, 2015. Aftew a few days, he was invited tuwu join [[shdw]]. Fow ovew a month, he enduwed countwess waids awnd attacks own decky town, [[united states empiwe|use's]] capitaw. Gwowing tiwed of the poowwy managed cwew, wawwace eventuawwy betwayed [[united states empiwe|use]] by destwoying the wussian economy. Showtwy aftewwawds, he began constwuction own a new base in the [[centwaw ocean]], abouwt 500 bwocks south of [[the cove|the cove]].
{{!}} colspan="2" style="text-align:center; border:1px #DCDCDC; background-color:#DCDCDC; font-size:12pt" |{{{Crew|'''Snitch League'''}}}
thiws new base, howevew, did nowt come without its own issues. Despite being unawawe of iwt at the time, wawwace had buiwt iwt extwemewy cwose tuwu [[dagewsh|dagewsh's]] base. [[dagewsh]], being owne of the most powewfuw pwayews own the sewvew awnd a membew of [[cwusadews of the void]], fowced wawwace tuwu move hiws new ocean base fuwthew away. With [[dagewsh|dagewsh's]] hewp, a new base was eventuawwy constwucted at a safe distance. These events wed tuwu wawwace devewoping a stwong woyawty towawds [[dagewsh]] thawt wouwd hewp pwopew him tuwu fame.
{{!}} colspan="2" style="text-align:center"| [[File:Astrobolt Full.png|250px|center|]]
== wise tuwu fame ==
aftew sevewaw months of being in hiws own one-pewson cwew, wawwace was invited tuwu [[sowis]] by wavethewave. Duwing thawt time he was abwe tuwu use cwew wesouwces tuwu incwease hiws own weputation. Wawwace stayed in the cwew fow sevewaw months, untiw konstwuktow quit piwatecwaft, which [[sowis]] pawtiawwy contwibuted tuwu. These events wed tuwu a minow wift in the cwew, pwompting wawwace tuwu weave [[sowis]] befowe things got wowse.
{{!}} {{#if:{{{Date Joined|}}}|'''Date Joined''':
{{!}} December 10, 2015
onwy a mattew of days aftew weaving [[sowis]], wawwace was invited tuwu [[khaos|khaos]] by souwdin1. [[khaos|khaos]] was owne of the many wesuwts of the disbanding of [[cov]] awnd was compwised of many of the cwew's fowmew membews. Wawwace stayed in [[khaos|khaos]] fow sevewaw weeks untiw being invited tuwu the newwy-fowmed [[the asywum|asywum]] by [[cysteen]].
{{!}} {{#if:{{{Crew|}}}|'''Crew''':
wawwace was owne of the fiwst peopwe tuwu join [[the asywum|asywum]]. [[tas]] was pewhaps the singwe-biggest factow in wawwace's wemawkabwy quick wise tuwu fame. Duwing hiws sevewaw-month stint in the cwew, many membews, especiawwy [[moossowini|jmoo12086]], hewped convince wawwace thawt he needed a new base. Iwt was then thawt he got wid of hiws stone bwick box in the [[centwaw ocean]] awnd made an undewgwound base named [[mesa basa]] in the [[southewn mesa]] neaw [[dagewsh|dagewsh's]] base. Wawwace's new base wouwd watew become owne of the safest awnd most famous, yet most secwetive, bases own piwatecwaft. Unfowtunatewy, sevewaw months aftew joining [[tas]], intewnaw confwicts among the cwew stawted tuwu appeaw, such as steawing awnd kiwwing, eventuawwy giving wawwace no choice but tuwu weave the cwew.
{{!}} [[The Narwhal Syndicate]]
== piwate ewa ==
{{!}} {{#if:{{{Rank|}}}|'''Rank''':
aftew weaving [[tas]], wawwace tempowawiwy joined piwatequest. Showtwy aftewwawds, he became fwiends with [[bwowe|bwowe_]] awnd they made a new cwew cawwed meat beatews anonymous as a joke. [[bwowe|bwowe_]] awnd wawwace wouwd soon gow own tuwu make a new cwew cawwed [[phantom]] with [[gawaxy219]], which wouwd become owne of the gweatest cwews in the histowy of piwatecwaft.
{{!}} [[Ranks#Captain|Captain]]
[[phantom]], a piwate cwew, owiginated with the intent of making heavy use of ships awnd having an iswand base. Taking advantage of the theme of ships, awong with the popuwaw nawwhaw song, wawwace buiwt the vewy fiwst itewation of the [[the phantom nawwhaw|phantom nawwhaw]], which itsewf wouwd have futuwe itewations thawt wouwd be the most successfuw ships in the histowy of piwatecwaft's owganized ship battwes. Iwt was awso at thiws time thawt wawwace became owne of the most infamous ship thieves own piwatecwaft. Aftew noticing sevewaw common design fwaws with standawd secuwity measuwes, wawwace wed sevewaw othew membews of [[phantom]] in waids, steawing sevewaw ships fwom [[powt ae0s|ae0's iswand]], awong with ships fwom many significant bases acwoss the sewvew. Showtwy aftew the cwew was made, wawwace weft awnd disbanded the cwew due tuwu intewnaw confwicts.
{{!}} {{#if:{{{Main Base|}}}|'''Main Base''':
{{!}} [[Crimea]]
aftew weaving the cwew, wawwace stowe pewhaps the most pwized ship in piwatecwaft histowy, [[bwowe|bwowe_'s]] phantom soveweign, watew compwetewy destwoying iwt. Watew own, wawwace commissioned [[maximus_tewwagon]] awnd [[snapcwackpways]] tuwu webuiwd the phantom soveweign. Soon aftew, [[maximus_tewwagon]] stowe the ship, eventuawwy making iwt a pewmanent museum ship at [[the cove|cove]]. these events wed tuwu the bwaze of gwowy thawt was [[phantom|phantom's]] cowwapse awnd made wawwace owne of the most notowious pwayews own the sewvew.
== idwe pewiod ==
Wallacebolt is a well-established, long-term snitch and is a leader of the [[Loser Syndicate]]. His main base is [[Crimea Military Base]]. He also rents a house in [[London]] and has a vacation home on George Soros Island, among other, more secretive, bases. Wallacebolt is not halal.
aftew disbanding [[phantom]] awnd destwoying the phantom soveweign, wawwace joined the [[bwitish empiwe]] awnd entewed an idwe pewiod. Duwing thiws time he was wess active awnd dwifted fwom cwew tuwu cwew. Aftew spending sevewaw weeks in [[be]] he weft awnd made the fiwst itewation of the nawwhaw syndicate as a sowo cwew. He eventuawwy disbanded the cwew in owdew tuwu wejoin [[be]], which he stayed in fow sevewaw months untiw being invited tuwu join the [[coawition]] by [[ketoh|kettoh]].
aftew spending sevewaw days in the cwew, nadowfpickwew kicked wawwace whiwe he was offwine fow no appawent weason. Wawwace was watew invited tuwu bwack wake by dwiftingsixguns. Wawwace soon weft bwack wake due tuwu intewnaw confwicts, wejoining the [[coawition]], awnd once again weaving tuwu wejoin [[be]].
wawwace weft [[be]] soon aftewwawds, joining deawew's deck aftew being invited by [[wucky_da_fweak|_fweke_]], whewe he was quickwy pwomoted tuwu weadew. Sevewaw weeks watew, howevew, wawwace weft the cwew in owdew tuwu cawm incweasing aggwession fwom cewtain membews of [[tas]] towawds deawew's deck, which was a diwect wesuwt of wawwace's pwesence in deawew's deck. Aftew weaving deawew's deck, wawwace made the second itewation of the nawwhaw syndicate, which was once again a sowo cwew. Sevewaw weeks watew, he disbanded the cwew awnd was weinvited tuwu [[tas]].
== wetuwn tuwu pwominence ==
aftew being weinvited tuwu [[tas]] fowwowing a wong absence fwom the cwew, wawwace began tuwu come bawck fwom hiws idwe pewiod awnd wetuwn tuwu pwominence. Howevew, thiws stint in [[tas]] was nowt meant tuwu be; intewnaw confwicts, disputes with awwies awnd wivaws, awnd fewwow cwew membews hawassing him wed wawwace tuwu weave the cwew once again.
showtwy aftewwawds, wawwace joined [[dagewsh|dagewsh's]] awnd [[ewo106|ewo106's]] cwew, house indowiw. Despite enjoying hiws stint in hi awnd continuing tuwu show hiws woyawty towawds [[dagewsh]] awnd enjoy a good fwiendship with [[ewo106]], wawwace weft aftew once again being weinvited tuwu [[tas]] by [[nahadoth]].
unfowtunatewy, thiws wouwd be wawwace's wast time being a membew of [[tas]]. Aftew wejoining, cwew weadews decided tuwu cut off the [[nawwhaw hq]] fwom cwew wesouwces such as the iwon fawm awnd the guawdian gwindew. In wesponse tuwu thiws bwockade, wawwace devewoped a way tuwu bypass the bwockade awnd once again gain access tuwu cwew wesouwces. Whiwe the wesouwces wewe impowtant, these actions wewe pwimawiwy tuwu pwove a point. As a wesuwt of these events awnd the genewaw wising tensions between wawwace awnd the othew membews of [[tas]], he weft the cwew.
aftew weaving [[tas]] fow the finaw time, wawwace made the thiwd itewation of the nawwhaw syndicate awnd was the onwy membew. He wemained in the cwew untiw he was banned own mawch 6, 2019.
== unban awnd wetuwn tuwu gwowy ==
own febwuawy 26, 2022, awmost 3 yeaws watew, wawwace was unbanned. Since wetuwning, he has estabwished the fouwth itewation of the [[nawwhaw syndicate]] as owne of piwatecwaft's pwemiew cwews, fowging stwong awwiances with fwiends awnd continuing tuwu expand the cwew's tewwitowy. He has awso taken own the pwoject of heaviwy wenovating [[mesa basa]], modewnizing its secuwity awnd othew wedstone systems in owdew tuwu wetuwn iwt tuwu its fowmew gwowy.
since cweating the fouwth itewation of the [[nawwhaw syndicate]] aftew hiws unban, wawwace has shifted the cwew's ethos tuwu focus own ships of waw awnd wedstone engineewing. Additionawwy, the cwew now consists of two othew peopwe, [[decsain]] awnd ashgwove22, with [[decsain]] awso being a cwew weadew. [[the nawwhaw syndicate]] now stands fiwmwy as owne of piwatecwaft's most pwominent cwews awnd, despite onwy having thwee membews, boasts impwessive tewwitowy size awnd fuww contwow of the oceans with the cuwwent itewations of the [[the phantom nawwhaw|phantom nawwhaw]].
= ship battwes =

= History =
== fiwst ewa ==

== Beginnings ==
=== the battwe own the high seas ===
Wallacebolt first joined PirateCraft on December 10, 2015. After a few days, he was invited to join [[SHDW]]. For over a month, he endured countless raids and attacks on Decky Town, [[United States Empire|USE's]] capital. Growing tired of the poorly managed crew, Wallace eventually betrayed [[United States Empire|USE]] by destroying the Russian economy. Shortly afterwards, he began construction on a new base in the [[Central Ocean]], about 500 blocks south of [[The Cove|The Cove]].
own decembew 27, 2016, jamminmas hosted the sewvew's fiwst majow ship battwe. Wawwace was in [[phantom]] awnd piwoted the [[phantom nawwhaw]] in its fiwst ship battwe. Unfowtunatewy, poow wecowds wewe kept, howevew [[phantom]] awnd the [[phantom nawwhaw]] won.
=== the fiwst battwe of ship wweck iswe ===
hosted in eawwy 2017 by [[bwowe|bwowe_]], (the exact date was nowt wecowded) thiws was the fiwst battwe at the new ship wweck iswe, buiwt by [[bwowe|bwowe_]] awnd [[nickyb_123|nickyb_123]]. Wawwace was in [[phantom]] awnd piwoting the [[phantom nawwhaw]]; [[phantom]] once again showed its navaw powew awnd pwoved victowious.
=== the second battwe of ship wweck iswe ===
awso hosted in eawwy 2017 by [[bwowe|bwowe_]], (the exact date was nowt wecowded) thiws was the second battwe tuwu be hewd at ship wweck iswe. Wawwace was stiww in [[phantom]] awnd piwoted the [[phantom nawwhaw]]; [[phantom]] maintained its dominance awnd won yet again.
== fweepowt ewa ==

This new base, however, did not come without its own issues. Despite being unaware of it at the time, Wallace had built it extremely close to [[dagersh|dagersh's]] base. [[Dagersh]], being one of the most powerful players on the server and a member of [[Crusaders of the Void]], forced Wallace to move his new ocean base further away. With [[dagersh|dagersh's]] help, a new base was eventually constructed at a safe distance. These events led to Wallace developing a strong loyalty towards [[dagersh]] that would help propel him to fame.
=== the fiwst battwe of fweepowt ===
own octobew 28, 2017, wawwace bwought the [[the phantom nawwhaw|phantom nawwhaw]] intwo battwe. Iwt was deawt sevewe damage eawwy own awnd quickwy disabwed.
=== the second battwe of fweepowt ===
own novembew 4, 2017, wawwace bwought the [[the phantom nawwhaw|phantom nawwhaw]] intwo battwe again. Thiws time, iwt pwoved victowious. Aftew command was given tuwu nationawistic (mowe commonwy known as thesmiwingfwea), the [[the phantom nawwhaw|phantom nawwhaw]] disabwed the tewetub awnd won the battwe.
=== the fouwth battwe of fweepowt ===
own novembew 26, 2017, aftew being absent fwom the thiwd battwe of fweepowt since iwt was ships onwy awnd submawines wewe nowt awwowed, the [[the phantom nawwhaw|phantom nawwhaw]] wetuwned. Eawwy in the battwe, the [[the phantom nawwhaw|phantom nawwhaw]] took heavy damage fwom tnt. The battwe was quickwy stopped by [[maximus_tewwagon]], but the damage had awweady bewn done. The suppwy chest was bwown up awnd the [[the phantom nawwhaw|phantom nawwhaw]] was heaviwy damaged. An inadequate amount of time was given fow wepaiws, so whewn the battwe wesumed, the [[the phantom nawwhaw|phantom nawwhaw]] didn't stand a chance. Howevew, the cwew stiww put up a twemendous effowt awnd infwicted heavy damage own the tewesub. The [[the phantom nawwhaw|phantom nawwhaw]] was uwtimatewy defeated.
=== the seventh battwe of fweepowt ===
own apwiw 7, 2018, wawwace wetuwned tuwu ship battwes. Aftew skipping two battwes due tuwu wuwe changes, he came tuwu spectate. Neaw the hawfway point, [[maximus_tewwagon]] offewed tuwu wet wawwace join the tewetub as iwt joined the battwe. Wawwace agweed awnd the tewetub finished the battwe tied fow victowy with thwee othew ships.
=== the eighth battwe of fweepowt ===
own may 26, 2018, exactwy six since months since the wast ship battwe the [[the phantom nawwhaw|phantom nawwhaw]] pawticipated in, wawwace wetuwned awnd ended hiws boycott own battwes owganized by [[maximus_tewwagon]]. At the end of the battwe, fouw ships, incwuding the [[the phantom nawwhaw|phantom nawwhaw]], wemained. The winnew was decided by which ship had the most bwocks wemaining at the end. The [[the phantom nawwhaw|phantom nawwhaw]] emewged victowious with 93.4% of bwocks wemaining. Thiws was the wast scheduwed battwe of fweepowt.
== battwe bay ewa ==

== Rise to Fame ==
=== the fiwst battwe of battwe bay ===
After several months of being in his own one-person crew, Wallace was invited to [[Solis]] by RaveTheWave. During that time he was able to use crew resources to increase his own reputation. Wallace stayed in the crew for several months, until Konstruktor quit PirateCraft, which [[Solis]] partially contributed to. These events led to a minor rift in the crew, prompting Wallace to leave [[Solis]] before things got worse.
own august 18, 2018, the fiwst ship battwe in [[maximus_tewwagon]]'s new awena took pwace. Wawwace once again bwought the [[the phantom nawwhaw|phantom nawwhaw]]. Accompanying him as the cwew wewe bwackshadow969, dawk_101, ministewmoo, awnd omegavenom1. Uwtimatewy, they finished in second pwace. The battwe was weww fought given the new wuwes, new [[nawwhaws|nawwhaw]] design, awnd new awena.
Only a matter of days after leaving [[Solis]], Wallace was invited to [[Khaos|KHAOS]] by souldin1. [[Khaos|KHAOS]] was one of the many results of the disbanding of [[CoV]] and was comprised of many of the crew's former members. Wallace stayed in [[Khaos|KHAOS]] for several weeks until being invited to the newly-formed [[The Asylum|Asylum]] by [[Cysteen]].
Wallace was one of the first people to join [[The Asylum|Asylum]]. [[TAS]] was perhaps the single-biggest factor in Wallace's remarkably quick rise to fame. During his several-month stint in the crew, many members, especially [[Moossolini|Jmoo12086]], helped convince Wallace that he needed a new base. It was then that he got rid of his stone brick box in the [[Central Ocean]] and made an underground base named [[Mesa Basa]] in the [[Southern Mesa]] near [[dagersh|dagersh's]] base. Wallace's new base would later become one of the safest and most famous, yet most secretive, bases on PirateCraft. Unfortunately, several months after joining [[TAS]], internal conflicts among the crew started to appear, such as stealing and killing, eventually giving Wallace no choice but to leave the crew.
== Pirate Era ==
After leaving [[TAS]], Wallace temporarily joined Piratequest. Shortly afterwards, he became friends with [[Browe|Browe_]] and they made a new crew called Meat Beaters Anonymous as a joke. [[Browe|Browe_]] and Wallace would soon go on to make a new crew called [[Phantom]] with [[Galaxy219]], which would become one of the greatest crews in the history of PirateCraft.
[[Phantom]], a pirate crew, originated with the intent of making heavy use of ships and having an island base. Taking advantage of the theme of ships, along with the popular Narwhal Song, Wallace built the very first iteration of the [[The Phantom Narwhal|Phantom Narwhal]], which itself would have future iterations that would be the most successful ships in the history of PirateCraft's organized ship battles. It was also at this time that Wallace became one of the most infamous ship thieves on PirateCraft. After noticing several common design flaws with standard security measures, Wallace led several other members of [[Phantom]] in raids, stealing several ships from [[Port Ae0s|ae0's island]], along with ships from many significant bases across the server. Shortly after the crew was made, Wallace left and disbanded the crew due to internal conflicts.
After leaving the crew, Wallace stole perhaps the most prized ship in PirateCraft history, [[Browe|Browe_'s]] Phantom Sovereign, later completely destroying it. Later on, Wallace commissioned [[Maximus_Terragon]] and [[SnapCrackPlays]] to rebuild the Phantom Sovereign. Soon after, [[Maximus_Terragon]] stole the ship, eventually making it a permanent museum ship at [[The Cove|Cove]]. these events led to the blaze of glory that was [[Phantom|Phantom's]] collapse and made Wallace one of the most notorious players on the server.
== Idle Period ==
After disbanding [[Phantom]] and destroying the Phantom Sovereign, Wallace joined the [[British Empire]] and entered an idle period. During this time he was less active and drifted from crew to crew. After spending several weeks in [[BE]] he left and made the first iteration of the Narwhal Syndicate as a solo crew. He eventually disbanded the crew in order to rejoin [[BE]], which he stayed in for several months until being invited to join the [[Coalition]] by [[Ketoh|Kettoh]].
After spending several days in the crew, NadolfPickler kicked Wallace while he was offline for no apparent reason. Wallace was later invited to Black Wake by DriftingSixGuns. Wallace soon left Black Wake due to internal conflicts, rejoining the [[Coalition]], and once again leaving to rejoin [[BE]].
Wallace left [[BE]] soon afterwards, joining Dealer's Deck after being invited by [[Lucky_da_Freak|_Freke_]], where he was quickly promoted to leader. Several weeks later, however, Wallace left the crew in order to calm increasing aggression from certain members of [[TAS]] towards Dealer's Deck, which was a direct result of Wallace's presence in Dealer's Deck. After leaving Dealer's Deck, Wallace made the second iteration of the Narwhal Syndicate, which was once again a solo crew. Several weeks later, he disbanded the crew and was reinvited to [[TAS]].
== Return to Prominence ==
After being reinvited to [[TAS]] following a long absence from the crew, Wallace began to come back from his idle period and return to prominence. However, this stint in [[TAS]] was not meant to be; internal conflicts, disputes with allies and rivals, and fellow crew members harassing him led Wallace to leave the crew once again.
Shortly afterwards, Wallace joined [[dagersh|dagersh's]] and [[Elo106|Elo106's]] crew, House Indoril. Despite enjoying his stint in HI and continuing to show his loyalty towards [[dagersh]] and enjoy a good friendship with [[Elo106]], Wallace left after once again being reinvited to [[TAS]] by [[Nahadoth]].
Unfortunately, this would be Wallace's last time being a member of [[TAS]]. After rejoining, crew leaders decided to cut off the [[Narwhal HQ]] from crew resources such as the iron farm and the guardian grinder. In response to this blockade, Wallace developed a way to bypass the blockade and once again gain access to crew resources. While the resources were important, these actions were primarily to prove a point. As a result of these events and the general rising tensions between Wallace and the other members of [[TAS]], he left the crew.
After leaving [[TAS]] for the final time, Wallace made the third iteration of the Narwhal Syndicate and was the only member. He remained in the crew until he was banned on March 6, 2019.
== Unban and Return to Glory ==
On February 26, 2022, almost 3 years later, Wallace was unbanned. Since returning, he has established the fourth iteration of the [[Narwhal Syndicate]] as one of PirateCraft's premier crews, forging strong alliances with friends and continuing to expand the crew's territory. He has also taken on the project of heavily renovating [[Mesa Basa]], modernizing its security and other redstone systems in order to return it to its former glory.
Since creating the fourth iteration of the [[Narwhal Syndicate]] after his unban, Wallace has shifted the crew's ethos to focus on ships of war and redstone engineering. Additionally, the crew now consists of two other people, [[Decsain]] and Ashgrove22, with [[Decsain]] also being a crew leader. [[The Narwhal Syndicate]] now stands firmly as one of PirateCraft's most prominent crews and, despite only having three members, boasts impressive territory size and full control of the oceans with the current iterations of the [[The Phantom Narwhal|Phantom Narwhal]].
= Ship Battles =
== First Era ==
=== The Battle on the High Seas ===
On December 27, 2016, JamminMas hosted the server's first major ship battle. Wallace was in [[Phantom]] and piloted the [[Phantom Narwhal]] in its first ship battle. Unfortunately, poor records were kept, however [[Phantom]] and the [[Phantom Narwhal]] won.
=== The First Battle of Ship Wreck Isle ===
Hosted in early 2017 by [[Browe|Browe_]], (the exact date was not recorded) this was the first battle at the new Ship Wreck Isle, built by [[Browe|Browe_]] and [[NickyB_123|NickyB_123]]. Wallace was in [[Phantom]] and piloting the [[Phantom Narwhal]]; [[Phantom]] once again showed its naval power and proved victorious.
=== The Second Battle of Ship Wreck Isle ===
Also hosted in early 2017 by [[Browe|Browe_]], (the exact date was not recorded) this was the second battle to be held at Ship Wreck Isle. Wallace was still in [[Phantom]] and piloted the [[Phantom Narwhal]]; [[Phantom]] maintained its dominance and won yet again.
== Freeport Era ==
=== The First Battle of Freeport ===
On October 28, 2017, Wallace brought the [[The Phantom Narwhal|Phantom Narwhal]] into battle. It was dealt severe damage early on and quickly disabled.
=== The Second Battle of Freeport ===
On November 4, 2017, Wallace brought the [[The Phantom Narwhal|Phantom Narwhal]] into battle again. This time, it proved victorious. After command was given to Nationalistic (more commonly known as TheSmilingFlea), the [[The Phantom Narwhal|Phantom Narwhal]] disabled the Teletub and won the battle.
=== The Fourth Battle of Freeport ===
On November 26, 2017, after being absent from the Third Battle of Freeport since it was ships only and submarines were not allowed, the [[The Phantom Narwhal|Phantom Narwhal]] returned. Early in the battle, the [[The Phantom Narwhal|Phantom Narwhal]] took heavy damage from TNT. The battle was quickly stopped by [[Maximus_Terragon]], but the damage had already been done. The supply chest was blown up and the [[The Phantom Narwhal|Phantom Narwhal]] was heavily damaged. An inadequate amount of time was given for repairs, so when the battle resumed, the [[The Phantom Narwhal|Phantom Narwhal]] didn't stand a chance. However, the crew still put up a tremendous effort and inflicted heavy damage on the Telesub. The [[The Phantom Narwhal|Phantom Narwhal]] was ultimately defeated.
=== The Seventh Battle of Freeport ===
On April 7, 2018, Wallace returned to ship battles. After skipping two battles due to rule changes, he came to spectate. Near the halfway point, [[Maximus_Terragon]] offered to let Wallace join the Teletub as it joined the battle. Wallace agreed and the Teletub finished the battle tied for victory with three other ships.
=== The Eighth Battle of Freeport ===
On May 26, 2018, exactly six since months since the last ship battle the [[The Phantom Narwhal|Phantom Narwhal]] participated in, Wallace returned and ended his boycott on battles organized by [[Maximus_Terragon]]. At the end of the battle, four ships, including the [[The Phantom Narwhal|Phantom Narwhal]], remained. The winner was decided by which ship had the most blocks remaining at the end. The [[The Phantom Narwhal|Phantom Narwhal]] emerged victorious with 93.4% of blocks remaining. This was the last scheduled Battle of Freeport.
== Battle Bay Era ==
=== The First Battle of Battle Bay ===
On August 18, 2018, the first ship battle in [[Maximus_Terragon]]'s new arena took place. Wallace once again brought the [[The Phantom Narwhal|Phantom Narwhal]]. Accompanying him as the crew were BlackShadow969, Dark_101, MinisterMoo, and OmegaVenom1. Ultimately, they finished in second place. The battle was well fought given the new rules, new [[Narwhals|Narwhal]] design, and new arena.