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[[File:Untitled.png|badge|Center|Map of Rome]]
[[File:MapOfVendigroth.png|badge|Center|Map of Vendigroth]]
==== <sup>This page is about the port town called "Vendigroth" formerly known as "Rome".</sup> ====
==== <sup>This page is about the port town called "Vendigroth".</sup> ====
'''Vendigroth''' is a coastal town located -5933, -3596 bordering a part of the [[Northern Sea]]. Vendigroth is a town under the control of the [[British Empire]] thus only accepting citizenship to players with a valid British Passport.
''''Vendigroth is a coastal town located -5933, -3596 bordering a part of the [[Northern-Western Sea]]. Vendigroth is a town under the control of the [[British Empire], so thus it only accepts players with a valid British Passport.''''

== Early history ==
==Town Origins==
This town was originally created so that the crew [[S.P.Q.R.]] could finally have a home to call its own. The old fort that is located on top of Mt. Vendi is the only remaining structure from before [[S.P.Q.R.]] took over this region of land. It is currently presumed that the earlier inhabitants of this area were killed by some form of the Plague. Not much else is remembered about the early days of Vendigroth, however, as the records have unfortunately been lost to history.

The earliest historical records of Vendigroth dates back to March 2015, when the first settler arrived to what is now called "Vendigroth Point".
In the map at the top of this page, you can see all of the land that Vendigroth owns/and/or hopes to acquire in the future. All of the land that is currently encircled by red is the land that is claimed by Vendigroth. All the land that is currently colored in blue, however, is currently being discussed about with the owners of those regions.  

In the early stages of landing on "Vendigroth Point" survival was though, and the governor had to resort to eating rotten flesh as his primary food source.  
Vendigroth's founder and governor, [[BGraph]], has been very protective of his land in the past. Most player's attempts to move onto this region's land have been met with fierce opposition by him. In fact, currently, [[BGraph]] has openly threatened crews that have, in the past, tried to buy/acquire this region's land. The most recent disagreement, which was against the [[Thirteen Colonies]], almost caused [[BGraph]] to leave the [[British Empire]] and openly declare a full out war with the [[Thirteen Colonies]]. After discussing the situation with the leaders of the [[British Empire]] and the [[Thirteen Colonies]], [[BGraph]] fortunately decided to peacefully request that the [[Thirteen Colonies]] stay off of his town's land. Ever since the [[Thirteen Colonies]] departure from this area ( Which in no way was caused by their disagreement ), [[BGraph]] has had no trouble with any other crews/players.

==Future of Vendigroth==
The harbor and the fort were built.
Although [[BGraph]] has not been very active in the past few months, he still manages to come on the server and work on Vendigroth every chance he gets. Hopefully, in the coming months, [[BGraph]] will finally be able to finish the coastal town of Vendigroth. One of the reasons that it takes so long for [[BGraph]] to create his town is that he trys to make every building up to a certain set of standards. One of the other main contributing factors is also that [[BGraph]] has joined a build team and has been busy trying to keep up with all of the builds that need to be finished.
Nothing happened this month, governor was away for the month.
Several houses had been erected and the town began to thrive better, as there had been built a storage house as well as small farms to sustain life in the long term.
Nothing new happened this month.
Governor away on vacation, nothing happened.
More farms built and Vendigroth joined the [[British Empire]]
Vendigroth gets new settlers!