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Latest revision as of 19:53, 22 June 2019

General Policies: Very little pvp, more roleplay
Namesake: 'Passive' crews
Relative Size: Minority
Followers: ~40 active followers
Associated Crews: some of SPQR, + a few smaller peaceful crews

'Passivism' is essentially the polar opposite of Anarchism in that it is the server political movement that wishes to reduce pvp to a bare minimum (2015 sort of levels or less), and have a greater focus on roleplay and the associated drama, rather than 'who is the best at pvp'. It is considered an extreme version of Empirism as players who believe in its policies are generally very anti-pvp.

It was popularised toward the end of 2016, when the era of roleplay and empire-drama was coming to an end, and some players wished to artificially bring back those times by means of reducing pvp to a bare minimum, with more extreme views including removing siege.

It is difficult to give a list of crews that have this view, as most simply settle on following and advocating Empirism. Some members of SPQR have previously been vocal about the negative effects pvp has had on the server, wishing to limit it by means of stricter rules to situations in which it would be deemed 'acceptable' by crews involved such as an official declaration of war, or assassination (essentially, only when drama permits it). However, they are a pretty small minority within the crew and do not reflect the crew's overall view. Other smaller no-pvp crews have also spoken in support of these ideas.

Along with Empirism, it lies in the anti-pvp section of the spectrum but featuring much clearer anti-pvp sentiments.

Example Policies[edit | edit source]

These reflect commonly suggested changes players from these crews suggest and aim to show the general aims of this group.

  • Most policies of Empirism:
    • Increase the siege cooldown timer, and add a siege immunity and siege duration timer - or remove siege altogether.
    • Additional rules to prevent harassment, bullying, and toxicity of 'pvp crews' (an extreme version of Cysteenism)
    • Removal of any remaining overpowered weapons and items, including elytras as to create a fairer pvp environment.
    • Harsher punishments for pvp-related rules.
  • Increased enforcement and/or re-writing of the harassment rule as to limit attacks only when drama permits it (such as a declaration of war)
  • Staff enforcement and much stronger promotion of roleplay and roleplay-related drama, similar to 2015/16.

Followers[edit | edit source]

As stated above, followers of Passivism are non-pvp crews, usually smaller ones in which pvp abilities are poor and who wish to roleplay with pirates and empires more. Some of these crews or players may have originated from the 2014-16 period in which roleplay was very important - and players who did not adhere to it were frowned upon by the community. It wasn't until Horsia joined in late-2016 early 2017 in which roleplay and 'empire-crew drama' took a secondary role in order to combat the new pvpers. By mid 2018, roleplay had essentially ceased to exist on PMC with most drama being driven by pvp.

Criticisms[edit | edit source]

The criticisms for passivism are essentially the same as those for Empirism (so go read them there).

The main additional criticism that is raised by most other people is the fear that the server will die-off and become overly boring as nothing interesting happens. Roleplay based servers have had a history of doing 'not so great' in the long run, keeping only a small core of original players. With pvp limited to when drama permits it, moderation would be through the roof - meaning more staff would be needed, or more plugins to enable these sorts of things.

Players who follow this movement are disliked by the pro-pvp group, and generally disliked by the rest as being 'too boring'. However, in comparison to the other extreme Anarchism, passivism has a much larger following of players and causes far less divide among the community as its members behave well within the community, as opposed to being 'toxic'.