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KetohPie (also known as Keto or Ketoh) is a longtime player of PirateCraft. He joined in April of 2015, as a deckhand like everyone else. He has been involved with many major crews in the past and now resides in the Coalition.

Early Beginnings Ketoh first joined the British Empire, but was forced out by then-pirate Unic0rnJunk101. He then ran to the Elven empire, and under Reptaria (Castalina) was declared a prince to the throne. However after much time, Ketoh left the Elves to join KingKarim and Red Lotus, a small but violent crew who robbed and PvPed with other crews. During that time, he also met CaptainCrackerz and Gottalovepunks, whom he would be with to this current day. Alas, Karim was banned, and he joined the British once again.

The British 2017 Having been a member of over a year. he was appointed Chief of Police by BGraph, under the Prime Minister Bislo and VPM Lawzoneon. However, Lawzoneon has resigned, and CaptainCrackerz took his place. Bislo1 was inactive for most of his duty, so CaptainCrackerz was the assumed Prime Minister.

Current Day To this day, Ketoh is a leader of The Coalition. He runs it along with his friends, and is a Major in the crew. The most notable allies of CLTN are The Asylum (TAS) and The Royal Italian Army (TRIA).