The Verussian War: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 15:19, 21 November 2015


The Verussian War took place after the Verussians (Verussian Empire) created lots of friction in The Allied chat, the lead up to the conflict included; Lithvather being expelled from the Elven Empire after having a row with the Verussian Empire which 'strengthened bonds with the Elves' as Reptaria described, the Verussians also began to set up a 'country' of their own known as Verussia, they got annoyed with the nearby crew called the Xenon Empire who had felt threatened by the Verussians & had taken to forums to complain to the wider public,

then the Verussians recuiting Mr_E or Elexandre & Elex had been a pain to many of the other nations with him being the first on their KOS list if it was written down.

Yet the Verussians held firm & declared the reason they let him join was because he had set up a base nearby & that him joining them would expel any doubt they had for him, yet they still won no support of empathy from the accusers; British Empire & Elven Empire with the Elves showing the most distress.

This then also began to ruffle feathers with the "Big 2", making the atmosphere tense & a possible declaration of war being made.

The Verussians didn't do a lot to stop this, infact the opposite with one of their 'co-leaders' leaking out into public, messing up a /msg command, telling the server they were planning to cause an uprising & revolt in the British & Elven crews.

This was reported quickly to The Allied chat, after a heated row in the chat, the Verussians were kicked out