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British Empire: Difference between revisions

22,664 bytes added ,  21 August 2021
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{{!}} {{#if:{{{Leader|}}}|'''Leader''':
{{!}} {{#if:{{{Leader|}}}|'''Leader''':
{{!}} [[Taulov]]
{{!}} [[Mdsegebre]]
{{!}} {{#if:{{{Founded|}}}|'''Founded''':
{{!}} {{#if:{{{Founded|}}}|'''Founded''':
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===Important Notice===
Please note that this page is majorly outdated. Thank you

The British Empire (BE) is the largest player made empire in PirateCraft. Headed by Prime Minister [https://wiki.piratemc.com/User:Taulov Taulov], the empire dedicates itself to international stability.
The British Empire (BE) is the largest player made empire in PirateCraft. Headed by Prime Minister [[Taulov]], the empire dedicates itself to international stability.

<p style="border:1px solid black; padding:10px; width:950px; background-color:#F5F5F5">To apply for membership, any interested parties should contact the British Empire's Vice-Prime Minister, [[Lazydog11]].</p>
<p style="border:1px solid black; padding:10px; width:950px; background-color:#F5F5F5">To apply for membership, any interested parties should contact the British Empire's Minister of Recruitment, [[RatRaceRobot]].</p>

== Ideals ==
== Ideals ==
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The British Empire was formerly a member of the [[alliance]] known as the [[League of Nations]]. It consisted of six nations dedicated to world peace and stability up until its collapse in the aftermath of the "BExit" vote of late September 2016. Currently the BE is nurturing a new, reformed alliance known as the [[Commonwealth of Nations]].
The British Empire was formerly a member of the [[alliance]] known as the [[League of Nations]]. It consisted of six nations dedicated to world peace and stability up until its collapse in the aftermath of the "BExit" vote of late September 2016. Currently the BE is nurturing a new, reformed alliance known as the [[Commonwealth of Nations]].
*Squid Fact: The king of squids was overthrown in a military coup in 1934, while in a sushi bar. He was turned into sushi.

== Current Government ==
== Current Government ==
[[File:BE goverment 2.png|1000px|thumb|left]]
[[File:BE_goverment_21_08_2021.png|30px|frame|center|Current Government as of August 2021]]

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The Master Hierarchy is split into three smaller trees: the <em>higher class tree</em>, the <em>lower navy tree </em> and the <em>lower civil tree</em>.
The Master Hierarchy is split into three smaller trees: the <em>higher class tree</em>, the <em>lower navy tree </em> and the <em>lower civil tree</em>.

[[File:BE Hierarchy Tree 01.06.2017.png|750px|left|]]
[[File:BE ranks2.png|750px|left|]]

Citizens can only be promoted an army rank in the higher class tree if they have the highest rank in the <em>lower navy tree</em>. Citizens can only be promoted to one of the adjacent civil ranks in the <em>higher class tree</em> if they hold a civil rank.
Citizens can only be promoted an army rank in the higher class tree if they have the highest rank in the <em>lower navy tree</em>. Citizens can only be promoted to one of the adjacent civil ranks in the <em>higher class tree</em> if they hold a civil rank.
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=== The Fourth Amendment - The Democratic Federation of the British Empire ===
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This amendment to the Charter of the British Empire was proposed to fill the gaps in the current
“settlement system” by overhauling how power is devolved to local administrations. Through the
implementation of local elections, aid systems, regional law enforcement, the decentralisation of
infrastructure spending and overall creation of a standard for good local governance this
amendment will encourage accountability throughout local leadership, strengthen our federation
and overall aim to better the “Empire” and its citizens.
This amendment (upon its passage) renders section “3.1 Governors” from the second amendment of
the charter null and void.
====Section 1 – Settlements of the British Empire====
Settlements of the British Empire are distinct territories that have either been created by individual
citizens or have been admitted into the crew. Such recognised & incorporated territories are not
granted the same rights as provinces (states) of the British Empire (those rights will be outlined in
section 2) and thus the federal government has a greater responsibility over them as defined by
federal law. However, these settlements will nevertheless still be granted limited autonomy to
address the following issues:
• Self-governance
• Local infrastructure development
• Basic economic management
Should a citizen wish to receive the rank of “Governor” (regardless of which level), they must send a
request to the minister responsible for recruitment affairs; the minister possesses limited discretion
on who may become a “Governor” but in most circumstances they must follow the requirements
outlined below.
'''Settlement Requirements'''
Baron (Village – Governor I)
• Requirements: 1x agricultural development, 3x residential dwellings, 1x notice board,
1x commercial/industrial/non-profit buildings (inn/shop/brewery/church/port/library/stable)
Additionally, 3x residents including the Baron must actively live in the settlement. Rank of Deckhand
or above is acceptable.
Viscount (Town – Governor II)
• Requirements: 3x agricultural developments, 5x residential dwellings, 1x notice board,
1x square or park, 1x town hall, 1x fort (must be verified to be siege-proof by a federal government
minister or a representative of the federal government), 2x commercial/industrial/non-profit
buildings (inn/shop/brewery/church/port/library/stable)
Additionally, 4x citizens including the Viscount must actively live in the settlement. 1x Sailor or
above, 2x Cadet or above, and 1x Deckhand or above are required.
Earl (City – Governor III)
• Requirements: 4x agricultural developments, 6x residential dwellings, 1x notice board,
2x squares or parks, 1x city hall, 1x fort (must be verified to be siege-proof by a federal government
minister or a representative of the federal government), 3x commercial/industrial/non-profit
buildings (inn/shop/brewery/church/port/library/stable), 1x train station connected to the nether
realm (optional but a bonus)
Additionally, 5x citizens including the Earl must actively live in the settlement. 2x Sailor or above, 2x
Cadet or above, 1x Deckhand or above.
====Section 2 – Organisation of Provinces====
Settlements of a similar geographical location or a “city” (as outlined in section 1) may opt to request
the creation of a province through the federal government. Provinces (States) of the British Empire
are incorporated and autonomous territories of the crew. Led by an elected “Premier” (the title itself
can be changed to suit the province’s desires), states are the key to empowering local Governors and
the citizens living within these locations. It should be noted that the Capital of the British Empire or
any other federally owned territory (as defined by the federal parliament) can never request to
become a province unless the charter is amended to allow such an action to occur.
'''2.1 Formation of Provinces'''
For a “city”, a pair or group of settlements to become a province (state), a chosen representative
must first contact the Prime Minister, Vice Prime Minister or Home Secretary (specifically the
minister responsible for domestic affairs) with the requested province name to gain permission; a
“city” that wishes to apply for provincial status (statehood) must undergo further scrutiny by the
federal government to determine whether it could function without constant federal assistance.
Once permission is granted, the representative must work with the Prime Minister, Vice Prime
Minister or Home Secretary to determine the initial borders of the new province. Within 7 days of
the creation of the new province, it is required to initialise an election following section 2.3. It should
be noted that any member of the federal parliament may decide to conduct their own investigation
into any request, scrutinise any decision made by the government and call for a vote in parliament
to block any attempt the government makes to create a province.
'''2.2 Provincial Responsibilities'''
It is the responsibility of the provincial Premier and their government to ensure the welfare of the
residents (in coordination with the federal government) and promote progress through government
projects and expansion. The provincial Premier, in coordination with local military officers of the
federal government, is also responsible for ensuring the safety of citizens regardless of their
situation. While the province is responsible for local affairs (such as for example, drafting its own
local charter or deciding whether to dissolve itself) that the federal parliament should normally have
no business involving itself in (unless invited to do so), the Premier’s office and the provincial
government must always cooperate with the federal government. To be able to do so the Premier
will be allowed to sit in the federal parliament and have access to all parliamentary discussions
(regardless of platform) but will not be allowed to cast a vote in parliament on any matter; however
there is one exception to this rule, should parliament try and pass legislation that will effectively
undermine the decisions made by a provincial (state) government(s)/legislature(s), the Premier(s)
from the province(s) in question will have the right to veto said legislation and submit it to a public
vote in their respective province(s) where only a simple majority is required to pass or block a bill. It
must be noted that the decision made by one province will not determine the outcome for any other
province involved.
Regarding the matter of foreign relations, it will be up to the Foreign Secretary (specifically the
minister responsible for foreign/external affairs), on behalf of the federal government, to decide
whether an embassy (or equivalent) should be established and where it will be located. No province,
settlement or any other territory of the crew shall have the authority to make such decisions;
however, the federal government must cooperate with local governments (and vice versa) when
implementing its foreign affairs agenda.
Lastly, a province must not legislate on matters which are purely and indisputably the domain of the
Parliament of the British Empire, the supreme (democratic) legislative body of this crew such as
foreign/external affairs.
'''2.3 Provincial Elections and Recommendations'''
Every 3 months (at most) beginning on the first election of the province, it is required that the
current provincial government turn to the federal Election Commissioner to hold an election. Once
the Election Commissioner announces the start of an election, local citizens looking to run for the
position of Premier (or equivalent) have 96 hours to announce their running. After this period of 96
hours is up, the running parties have 72 hours to campaign and rally support before the voting
begins. Following the 72 hours of campaigning, the Election Commissioner must start a vote lasting
96 hours. At the end of the 96-hour period, the Election Commissioner must count the votes and
announce the winner based on the province’s electoral laws; if such laws do not exist then the
Election Commissioner must determine the winner based on who has a mandate from over 50
percent of casted (legal) votes. The new government comes into power 48 hours following the
Election Commissioner’s announcement. The succeeding Premier must create a cabinet of up to 7
individuals, those of which must be active residents of the province and be fit for service (as defined
by provincial/state law). A province has the right to create its own election commission, but it must
work in coordination with the federal Election Commissioner who has the final say in all election
All announcements made pertaining to any election and even public votes/referendums must
include a date and an internationally recognised (from the real world) time-zone.
Lastly, the following are ‘suggested roles’ (ultimately, the Premier has the discretion to decide what
roles to create or discontinue) and their responsibilities:
Provincial Minister of Infrastructure – Tasked with facilitating all province-led infrastructure or
construction projects.
Provincial Minister of Justice – Works with local law enforcement to uphold all laws of the British
Empire and coordinates efforts with local military forces to ensure the security of citizens.
Provincial Minister of the Treasury – Manages the provincial resources and distributes them to
other departments as needed. Works to collect goods for future use and mobilises workers to assist.
'''2.4 Cooperation between Settlements and Provinces'''
If a settlement is part of a province, they are legally obligated to cooperate with the Premier’s office
and the state’s government/legislature concerning defence, law enforcement, infrastructure
projects and other general government operations. Though, the territory of a settlement is still
owned by its respective Governor, meaning that Barons, Viscounts, and Earls have the authority
(within reason) to manage their lands how they wish.
'''2.5 Representation in the Federal Parliament'''
To reiterate, all Premiers have a right to sit as members of the federal parliament. This right
continues to be extended to Earls as laid out in “section 5” of the second amendment; however, if an
Earl decides to incorporate their settlement(s) into a province they will lose their seat in parliament
because the Premier of the province in question will become their representative instead.
Lastly, it should be noted that a Member of Parliament’s voting rights is determined by their highest
parliamentary/government rank (role).
Amendment authored 28th of March 2021 and passed 8th of April 2021
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The Charter of the British Empire serves as a basic set of principles that every citizen must adhere to. It was signed by the incumbent government officials at the beginning of May 2015.
The Charter of the British Empire serves as a basic set of principles that every citizen must adhere to. It was signed by the incumbent government officials at the beginning of May 2015.

== Laws ==
== Laws & Acts ==

[[File:Justicia 11.08.2015.jpg|200px|frameless]]
[[File:Justicia 11.08.2015.jpg|200px|frameless]]

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=== Laws of the British Empire ===
===Laws of the British Empire===
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§2 New recruits must be assigned to a Governor if they so wish. Government officials will help bring newcomers to colonies with room for new citizens.
§2 New recruits must be assigned to a Governor if they so wish. Government officials will help bring newcomers to colonies with room for new citizens.

: §2.1 Governors must openly welcome citizens assigned to them by any government official. If the Governor is not in a position to take in new citizens, Government officials should provide aid in order to help the Governor become able to accept the citizens assigned to them.
§2.1 Governors must openly welcome citizens assigned to them by any government official. If the Governor is not in a position to take in new citizens, Government officials should provide aid in order to help the Governor become able to accept the citizens assigned to them.''' '''

''' Laws concerning PvP '''
'''Laws concerning PvP '''

§3 Must not engage in PvP with allied players, or those holding a valid non agression pact (NAP). An engagement counts as entering combat mode or damaging a fellow player through any means.
§3 Must not engage in PvP with allied players, or those holding a valid non agression pact (NAP). An engagement counts as entering combat mode or damaging a fellow player through any means.§3.1 Must not engage in PvP with a fellow British citizen at any point in time unless there is consent of all parties involved or the engagement is inside an inclosed PvP- or arena-designated area.§3.2 Must not engage in PvP with an ally of the Empire at any point in time unless there is consent of all parties involved or the engagement is inside an inclosed PvP- or arena-designated area.

: §3.1 Must not engage in PvP with a fellow British citizen at any point in time unless there is consent of all parties involved or the engagement is inside an inclosed PvP- or arena-designated area.
§3.3 Must not engage in PvP with foreign players who are not in conflict with the Empire unless the Minister of War, Vice Prime Minister or Prime Minister has granted this.
: §3.2 Must not engage in PvP with an ally of the Empire at any point in time unless there is consent of all parties involved or the engagement is inside an inclosed PvP- or arena-designated area.
: §3.3 Must not engage in PvP with foreign players who are not in conflict with the Empire unless the Minister of War, Vice Prime Minister or Prime Minister has granted this.

§4 If an individual is a listed criminal in the “crew message of the day”, displayed when logging in, or displayed at local KOS boards, it is allowed to both steal from and raid the individual.
§4 If an individual is a listed criminal in the “crew message of the day”, displayed when logging in, or displayed at local KOS boards, it is allowed to both steal from and raid the individual.
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§7 Law enforcers of the British Empire must also follow citizen laws, though they have the right to employ force against citizens if necessary.
§7 Law enforcers of the British Empire must also follow citizen laws, though they have the right to employ force against citizens if necessary.

: §7.1 Items taken from killed citizens must be stored in the confiscation chest, found in the police office. Officers must store ALL items taken from criminals and store it in an empty chest and put a sign on it, with a name of the criminal.
§7.1 Items taken from killed citizens must be stored in the confiscation chest, found in the police office. Officers must store ALL items taken from criminals and store it in an empty chest and put a sign on it, with a name of the criminal.

§8 Every citizen is obligated to place at least one secured chest in a safe, claimed area and fill it with war gear. War gear includes high-level diamond armour, high-level enchanted weapons, potions (strength II, invisibility, poison, etc.), gapples, buckets of milk, ender pearls, arrows and any other items the player regularly uses in PVP situations. Not permitted are non-diamond and low-level enchanted pieces of gear. War gear is only to be used in emergencies.
§8 Every citizen is obligated to place at least one secured chest in a safe, claimed area and fill it with war gear. War gear includes high-level diamond armour, high-level enchanted weapons, potions (strength II, invisibility, poison, etc.), gapples, buckets of milk, ender pearls, arrows and any other items the player regularly uses in PVP situations. Not permitted are non-diamond and low-level enchanted pieces of gear. War gear is only to be used in emergencies.
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§9 If a citizen is assaulted and requests assistance, the online members of the British Empire must convene together at a safe location and analyse the situation as a group. The highest ranking online citizen chooses whether or not military intervention is a proportional and appropriate measure, if needed through a simple majority vote. If so, the online members are committed to don their war gear and defend their fellow citizen in need. Absence is permitted through public consensus or through permission of the war group leader.
§9 If a citizen is assaulted and requests assistance, the online members of the British Empire must convene together at a safe location and analyse the situation as a group. The highest ranking online citizen chooses whether or not military intervention is a proportional and appropriate measure, if needed through a simple majority vote. If so, the online members are committed to don their war gear and defend their fellow citizen in need. Absence is permitted through public consensus or through permission of the war group leader.

''' Laws concerning GOVERNMENT POSITIONS '''
'''Laws concerning GOVERNMENT POSITIONS '''

§10 Every week or two, all government positions must report what they have been up to and what progress has been made in an appropriately named government chat forum topic. They must also state clear aims and take on responsibility to assure their targets are fulfilled.
§10 Every week or two, all government positions must report what they have been up to and what progress has been made in an appropriately named government chat forum topic. They must also state clear aims and take on responsibility to assure their targets are fulfilled.
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§11 No citizen may take on responsibilities that transcend their crew function.
§11 No citizen may take on responsibilities that transcend their crew function.

''' PUNISHMENT system '''

Players accumulate points for committing offenses. These points stay with them forever and are not reset if they leave the British Empire. Gaining points results in consequences.
'''Laws concerning teleporting '''
§ 12 No citizen is allowed to teleport any rivals, inside a BE town or BE complex
'''PUNISHMENT system'''
Minor Offenses:These are disruptive and nuisance actions towards other BE members and allies which includes: Minor theft, minor destruction of property, spamming and threatening.
First time offenders will recive a verbal warning; repeated offending will result in the following consequences:
* 1st Repeat Offense: £75
* 2nd Repeat Offense £100
* 3rd Repeat Offense: £200 - Minister of Justice may propose demotion.
* 4th Repeat Offense £250+ Discretion from Minister of Justice
If the individual continues with minor offenses after the 4th repeat, then the Minister of Justice will decide the next punishments while factoring status and wealth.
Major Violations:
Violations that cause harm or destruction towards other members in BE or allies which include:
Destruction of property, severe theft, engaging conflict with other members, provoking other crews and harrssment/bullying. First time offenders in this category will need to pay £100+ fine + repartions to those they have harmed. Further offending will result in:
* 1st Repeat Offense: £150 + Reparations - Minister of Justice may propose demotion
* 2nd Repeat Offense: £200 + Reparations - Minister of Justice may propose demotion
* 3rd Repeat Offense: suspension or tempoary explusion from BE
If the person cannot pay the fine(s), then negotiations to discuss alternative payment options with the Minister of Justice will be allowed
All offenses that someone has committed will be logged and recorded along with if they have paid their fine(s).

* (:1:) First Offence: Fine: 5 diamonds
Fines collected will go towards the crew bank.
* (:2:) Second Offence: Fine: 10 diamonds + Minister of Justice may propose demotion
* (:3:) Third Offence: Fine: 15 diamonds + Minister of Justice may propose demotion and/or expulsion
* (:4:) Fourth (+) Offence: Fine: 20 diamonds + crew discussion regarding the individual

All fines collected will be transferred into the possession of the Chancellor of the Exchequer and placed in the British Empire vault.

A player who is banished from the crew may only reapply for membership after three months. An appeal will be discussed by the government and may be turned down if they so are so inclined. The player then has to wait another three months before they can reapply again. Any banished player who is permitted back into the British Empire starts off with one punishment point.


: Bislo
: Governor of Port Hope,
: Governor of Port Hope,
: British Minister of Justice
: British Minister of Justice
: 01.07.2015
: 04.10.2020
The laws of the British Empire are rules which must be complied with by all British citizens. Breaking a law may result in a punishment. The point of laws is not to catch players out - with a little bit of common sense a citizen should never be involved in criminal activities. Players who unintentionally break the law may be dealt with leniently under circumstances. Peacekeepers are expected to act sensibly and fairly when dealing with felonies.
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===Acts of the British Empire===
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This is a list of active acts of the British Empire.

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====Order of the British Empire====
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''Military Awards''
• CrazyPirate's Insignia (Highest)
• Victoria Cross
• Edward's Crown
• The Right Honourable (Lowest)
''Civil Awards''
• Companion of the British Empire: CBE (Highest)
• Right Honourable Member of the British Empire: MBE
• Medal Of Honour: MED
• The title of "The Honourable" (Lowest)
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====Naval Refrom Act====
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Officer ranks from highest to lowest
''Admiral'' – head of all naval forces and operates in the area of London, as well as well
as ensuring that all members of the empire are safe. They are charged with tactical
operations of the entire fleet. They also must ration munitions (potions) for the
marines if need be. The admiral is able to enlist people into the royal navy, and
recruit members as marine cadets (requirements god set + can supply potions).
''Commodore'' – heads the local naval forces and operates in the area given to them.
They are tasked with ensuring members safety in said area, charged with tactical
operations seen from the local fleet unit, and are authorized to ration munitions
(potions) for the marines in the area if need be. Commodores can enlist people into
the royal navy, and recruit members as marine cadets (requirements god set + can
supply potions).
''Captain'' – junior officers who are under the command of commodores or the admiral.
They run local rescue and defence forces, operate near their base, and help where
needed. Can be enlisted in a company by a commodore. They’re able to enlist
people into the royal navy and make people marine cadets (requirements god set +
can supply potions).
''Royal Marines - Requirements:''
Potions (self-sufficient)
Being able to join VC (no need to talk, just follow orders easily)
Marine cadet is given as a starter role for new marines, to show they have met the
requirements but still lack training. Cadets are strictly forbidden to go on raids
without a commanding officer allowing them to join, since their lack of training can
lead to mistakes and cost other marines their life.
''Royal Navy - Requirements:''
Royal Navy are soldiers who are not in god gear (mostly iron gear). They can be
allowed to help on attacks if allowed by the commanding officer.
All serving in uniform in the royal navy is under discipline, meaning that captains can
train formations and basic tactics with the members of the navy. These are not 100%
meant to be used in battle but used to make seamen and marines familiar with taking
orders and scenarios not becoming a mess.
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====Royal Navy Requirements====
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: 01.07.2015
Seamen are all players that joins the navy. (standart rank)


Gunners are players who have shown the ability to be able to aim/shoot cannons. Furthermore, gunners are all Navy members who can create iron-cast+ cannons.


Coxswains are players who are atleast boatswain rank (for sailing galleons and lower classes ships), have demostrated an acctable ability to both shoot a cannon as well as sail a ship of any class.

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====Marine Act====
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This act puts into effect the requirements of the actively serving Royal Marines and Cadets.
The Marine Corps is lead by a Naval Officer, the Marine Captain. This Naval Officer is required to be capable in PvP. The heart of the Marine Corps are the Marines, with the Marine Cadets being the recruits. All these roles are tasked with defending the population, assets, and history of this Empire at all costs.
''Marine Rank Requirements:''
• Own a god set with god sword
• Must be decently skilled in the art of PvP
• Must be relatively self-sufficient regarding munitions (potions).
• Must be able to connect to Discord for coordination.
• Must be mature in all situations. The military part of the core of the Empire and they must set a good example.
• Must be able to lead a small party in defence or attack.

The laws of the British Empire are rules which must be complied with by all British citizens. Breaking a law may result in a punishment. The point of laws is not to catch players out - with a little bit of common sense a citizen should never be involved in criminal activities. Players who unintentionally break the law may be dealt with leniently under circumstances. Peacekeepers are expected to act sensibly and fairly when dealing with felonies.
''Marines Cadet Rank Requirements:''
• Own a god set with god sword.
• Must be relatively self-sufficient regarding munitions (potions).
• Must be able to connect to Discord for coordination.
• Must be mature in all situations. The military part of the core of the Empire and they must set a good example.

== Foreign Relations ==
==Foreign Relations==

{| class="wikitable" style="font-size:100%"
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size: 100%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 952px;" data-mce-style="font-size: 100%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 952px;"
! style="width: 220px;" data-mce-style="width: 220px;"|Treaty
! style="width: 149px;" data-mce-style="width: 149px;"|Type<br />
! style="width: 220px;" data-mce-style="width: 220px;"|Participants
! style="width: 216;" data-mce-style="width: 216;"|Date
! style="width: 52;" data-mce-style="width: 52;"|Status<br />
| style="width: 220px;" data-mce-style="width: 220px;"|Restoration of former alliance [http://piratemc.com/groups/the-last-alliance/]
| style="width: 149px;" data-mce-style="width: 149px;"|Declaration of Alliance
| style="width: 220px;" data-mce-style="width: 220px;"|BE & [[Elven Empire]]
| style="width: 216px;" data-mce-style="width: 216px;"|28th April 2016
| style="width: 10px;" data-mce-style="width: 10px;"|<span style="color: #ff0000;" data-mce-style="color: #ff0000;">'''Defunct'''</span><br />
| style="width: 220px;" data-mce-style="width: 220px;"|The Holy Ender Treaty [http://piratemc.com/groups/british-empire-public-releases/forum/topic/be-ender-treaty-the-holy-ender-treaty/]
| style="width: 149px;" data-mce-style="width: 149px;"|Declaration of Alliance
| style="width: 220px;" data-mce-style="width: 220px;"|BE & [[Ender]]
| style="width: 216px;" data-mce-style="width: 216px;"|6th May 2016
| style="width: 10px;" data-mce-style="width: 10px;"|<span style="color: green;" data-mce-style="color: green;">'''<span style="color: #ff0000;" data-mce-style="color: #ff0000;">Defunct</span>'''</span> <br />
| style="width: 220px;" data-mce-style="width: 220px;"|[[Commonwealth of Nations]] [http://piratemc.com/groups/british-commonwealth/]
| style="width: 149px;" data-mce-style="width: 149px;"|Membership Agreement
| style="width: 220px;" data-mce-style="width: 220px;"|BE & other Commonwealth Nations
| style="width: 216px;" data-mce-style="width: 216px;"|1st February 2017
| style="width: 10px;" data-mce-style="width: 10px;"|<span style="color: #ff0000;" data-mce-style="color: #ff0000;">'''Defunct'''</span> <br />
| style="width: 220px;" data-mce-style="width: 220px;"|Treaty of Nova Halifax [https://piratemc.com/groups/british-empire-public-releases/forum/topic/alliance-request-2/]
| style="width: 149px;" data-mce-style="width: 149px;"|Declaration of Alliance
| style="width: 220px;" data-mce-style="width: 220px;"|BE & [[Lancastrian Empire]]
| style="width: 216px;" data-mce-style="width: 216px;"|28th September 2018
| style="width: 10px;" data-mce-style="width: 10px;"|<span style="color: green;" data-mce-style="color: green;">'''Active'''</span> <br />
| Restoration of former alliance [http://piratemc.com/groups/the-last-alliance/] || Declaration of Alliance || BE & [[Elven Empire]]|| 28th April 2016 || <span style="color:green">'''Active'''</span>
| style="width: 220px;" data-mce-style="width: 220px;"|[[League of Nations]] [http://piratemc.com/groups/the-allied/]
| style="width: 149px;" data-mce-style="width: 149px;"|Membership Agreement
| style="width: 220px;" data-mce-style="width: 220px;"|BE & other Allied nations
| style="width: 216px;" data-mce-style="width: 216px;"|24th June 2015 - 1st October 2016
| style="width: 10px;" data-mce-style="width: 10px;"|<span style="color: red;" data-mce-style="color: red;">'''Defunct'''</span> <br />
| The Holy Ender Treaty [http://piratemc.com/groups/british-empire-public-releases/forum/topic/be-ender-treaty-the-holy-ender-treaty/] || Declaration of Alliance || BE & [[Ender]] || 6th May 2016 || <span style="color:green">'''Active'''</span>
| style="width: 220px;" data-mce-style="width: 220px;"|Raven Accords [http://piratemc.com/groups/british-empire-public-releases/forum/topic/declaration-of-alliance/]
| style="width: 149px;" data-mce-style="width: 149px;"|Declaration of Alliance
| style="width: 220px;" data-mce-style="width: 220px;"|BE & [[Raven Pirates]]
| style="width: 216px;" data-mce-style="width: 216px;"|30th June 2015
| style="width: 10px;" data-mce-style="width: 10px;"|<span style="color: red;" data-mce-style="color: red;">'''Defunct'''</span><br />
| [[Commonwealth of Nations]] [http://piratemc.com/groups/british-commonwealth/] || Membership Agreement ||BE & other Commonwealth Nations || 1st February 2017 || <span style="color:green">'''Active'''</span>
| style="width: 220px;" data-mce-style="width: 220px;"|The Sun Never Sets - Again [http://piratemc.com/groups/british-empire-public-releases/forum/topic/be-solis-treaty-the-sun-never-sets-again-2/]
| style="width: 149px;" data-mce-style="width: 149px;"|Declaration of Alliance
| style="width: 220px;" data-mce-style="width: 220px;"|BE & [[Solis]]
| style="width: 216px;" data-mce-style="width: 216px;"|6th May 2016
| style="width: 10px;" data-mce-style="width: 10px;"|<span style="color: red;" data-mce-style="color: red;">'''Defunct'''</span><br />
| Treaty of Nova Halifax [https://piratemc.com/groups/british-empire-public-releases/forum/topic/alliance-request-2/] || Declaration of Alliance || BE & [[Lancastrian Empire]] || 28th September 2018 || <span style="color:green">'''Active'''</span>
| style="width: 220px;" data-mce-style="width: 220px;"|A Treaty for the Elite [http://http://piratemc.com/groups/british-empire-public-releases/forum/topic/be-elite-treaty-a-treaty-for-the-elite/]
| style="width: 149px;" data-mce-style="width: 149px;"|Declaration of Alliance
| style="width: 220px;" data-mce-style="width: 220px;"|BE & [[Elite]]
| style="width: 216px;" data-mce-style="width: 216px;"|12th May 2016
| style="width: 10px;" data-mce-style="width: 10px;"|<span style="color: red;" data-mce-style="color: red;">'''Defunct'''</span><br />
| [[League of Nations]] [http://piratemc.com/groups/the-allied/] || Membership Agreement || BE & other Allied nations || 24th June 2015 - 1st October 2016 || <span style="color:red">'''Defunct'''</span>
| style="width: 220px;" data-mce-style="width: 220px;"|The Treaty of Tercios
| style="width: 149px;" data-mce-style="width: 149px;"|Declaration of Alliance
| style="width: 220px;" data-mce-style="width: 220px;"|BE & Ter
| style="width: 216px;" data-mce-style="width: 216px;"|4th July 2020
| style="width: 10px;" data-mce-style="width: 10px;"|<span style="color: red;" data-mce-style="color: red;">'''Defunct'''</span><br />
| Raven Accords [http://piratemc.com/groups/british-empire-public-releases/forum/topic/declaration-of-alliance/] || Declaration of Alliance || BE & [[Raven Pirates]] || 30th June 2015 || <span style="color:red">'''Defunct'''</span>
| style="width: 220px;" data-mce-style="width: 220px;"|The Shield Treaty
| style="width: 149px;" data-mce-style="width: 149px;"|Declaration of Alliance
| style="width: 220px;" data-mce-style="width: 220px;"|BE & SHLD
| style="width: 216px;" data-mce-style="width: 216px;"|16th August 2020
| style="width: 10px;" data-mce-style="width: 10px;"|<span style="color: green;" data-mce-style="color: green;">'''Active'''</span><br />
| The Sun Never Sets - Again [http://piratemc.com/groups/british-empire-public-releases/forum/topic/be-solis-treaty-the-sun-never-sets-again-2/]  || Declaration of Alliance||BE & [[Solis]] || 6th May 2016 || <span style="color:red">'''Defunct'''</span>
| style="width: 220px;" data-mce-style="width: 220px;"|The Treaty Of Shroomies
| style="width: 149px;" data-mce-style="width: 149px;"|Declaration of Alliance
| style="width: 220px;" data-mce-style="width: 220px;"|BE & Froge
| style="width: 216px;" data-mce-style="width: 216px;"|23th August 2020
| style="width: 10px;" data-mce-style="width: 10px;"|<span style="color: green;" data-mce-style="color: green;">'''Active'''</span><br />
| A Treaty for the Elite [http://http://piratemc.com/groups/british-empire-public-releases/forum/topic/be-elite-treaty-a-treaty-for-the-elite/] || Declaration of Alliance||BE & [[Elite]] || 12th May 2016 || <span style="color:red">'''Defunct'''</span>
| style="width: 220px;" data-mce-style="width: 220px;"|The British Valyrian Treaty
| style="width: 149px;" data-mce-style="width: 149px;"|Declaration of Alliance
| style="width: 220px;" data-mce-style="width: 220px;"|BE & VAL
| style="width: 216px;" data-mce-style="width: 216px;"|15th November 2020
| style="width: 10px;" data-mce-style="width: 10px;"|<span style="color: green;" data-mce-style="color: green;">'''Active'''</span><br />
| Standard Non-aggression pact || NAP ||  
| style="width: 220px;" data-mce-style="width: 220px;"|The Rubber Duck Treaty
| style="width: 149px;" data-mce-style="width: 149px;"|Declaration of Alliance
| style="width: 220px;" data-mce-style="width: 220px;"|BE & SRD
| style="width: 216px;" data-mce-style="width: 216px;"|13th Decemeber 2020
| style="width: 10px;" data-mce-style="width: 10px;"|<span style="color: green;" data-mce-style="color: green;">'''Active'''</span><br />
| style="width: 220px;" data-mce-style="width: 220px;"|Standard Non-aggression pact
| style="width: 149px;" data-mce-style="width: 149px;"|NAP
| style="width: 220px;" data-mce-style="width: 220px;"|
BE & <br />
BE & <br />
<small>- [PU] [[Purple Union]] <br />
<small>- [PU] [[Purple Union]] <br />- [[Avari]] <br />- [TAS] The Asylum<br /> - [EoA] <br /> </small>
- [KOF] [[Kingdom of fire]]<br />
- [[Avari]] <br />
- [OTC] [[Orange Trading Co]]<br />
- [[arti|Arti]] </small>  
Current crews and nations ''affiliated'' the British Empire:
Current crews and nations ''affiliated'' the British Empire:
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The newly reformed Elven Empire unexpectedly made an offer to the Verussian citizens to merge into their empire, which caused much friction in the League of Nations, the renamed "Allied". The Verussians agreed to the proposal. This action ultimately put an end to the war, but caused a deep rift between the former close allies.
The newly reformed Elven Empire unexpectedly made an offer to the Verussian citizens to merge into their empire, which caused much friction in the League of Nations, the renamed "Allied". The Verussians agreed to the proposal. This action ultimately put an end to the war, but caused a deep rift between the former close allies.

At the end of January 2016, tensions grew between the British Empire and the radical revolutionary [[Ashikagan]] crew lead by [[Ultracreeper]]. Ultracreeper had been campaigning for a revolt against donators for some weeks. He took up contact with [[_Lego_]], the British Empire's new Chief of Police and revealed to him a plan to topple the British government by rigging the elections. _Lego_ reported this and the story soon made headlines in the [[Ashikagan]] embassy [http://piratemc.com/groups/ashikagan-embassy/forum/topic/tensions-with-the-british-empire/]. Ultracreeper renamed himself "the Kaiser" and defended his actions by announcing he wanted to establish a [[Colrainist]] government with revolutionary ideals. His explanation was widely condemned, especially as the BE was well-known as the only big democracy on the server.
At the end of January 2016, tensions grew between the British Empire and the radical revolutionary [[Ashikagan]] crew lead by [[Ultracreeper]]. Ultracreeper had been campaigning for a revolt against donators for some weeks. He took up contact with [[Lego]], the British Empire's new Chief of Police and revealed to him a plan to topple the British government by rigging the elections. Lego reported this and the story soon made headlines in the [[Ashikagan]] embassy [http://piratemc.com/groups/ashikagan-embassy/forum/topic/tensions-with-the-british-empire/]. Ultracreeper renamed himself "the Kaiser" and defended his actions by announcing he wanted to establish a [[Colrainist]] government with revolutionary ideals. His explanation was widely condemned, especially as the BE was well-known as the only big democracy on the server.

The Kaiser interrupted a British war vote by declaring war on the British Empire on 31st January 2016 [http://piratemc.com/groups/ashikagan-embassy/forum/topic/declaration-of-war-against-the-british-empire/] The conflict was short-lived, as CrazyPirate1 managed to plunder Ulracreeper's valuables, including a beacon, during a scouting raid.
The Kaiser interrupted a British war vote by declaring war on the British Empire on 31st January 2016 [http://piratemc.com/groups/ashikagan-embassy/forum/topic/declaration-of-war-against-the-british-empire/] The conflict was short-lived, as CrazyPirate1 managed to plunder Ulracreeper's valuables, including a beacon, during a scouting raid.

Elections were held from 17th until 24th March 2016. For the first time three candidate duos emerged - CaptainCrackerz (PM) and iKeto (VPM) vs. BGraph (PM) and Crazy Pirate (VPM) vs. Bislo (PM) and Lawzoneon (VPM). Despite the usage of media such as posters and YouTube videos by the competition, Bislo and Lawzoneon won the election race with their promise of kickstarting the construction of the capital city of London.
Elections were held from 17th until 24th March 2016. For the first time three candidate duos emerged - CaptainCrackerz (PM) and [[Ketoh|iKeto]] (VPM) vs. BGraph (PM) and Crazy Pirate (VPM) vs. Bislo (PM) and Lawzoneon (VPM). Despite the usage of media such as posters and YouTube videos by the competition, Bislo and Lawzoneon won the election race with their promise of kickstarting the construction of the capital city of London.

Soon after the election the decision was made to merge the [[British Empire Training Crew]] (BETC) back into the main crew. The reason was that that too many recruits found friends in the BETC and didn't want to "graduate" into the British Empire for fear of losing contact with their comrades through /crew chat. The British Empire had been suffering a period of stagnation due to this effect and was in desperate need of fresh blood. The leadership recognised that in the long term, the BETC would end up smothering the group it had been designed to protect - thus the BETC had to be disbanded. Its legacy lived on, however, as Lazydog11's town [[Gloomsbay]] had been massively expanded due to the influx of new recruits and boasted, among other things, housing for dozens of active players and a large PvP arena.
Soon after the election the decision was made to merge the [[British Empire Training Crew]] (BETC) back into the main crew. The reason was that that too many recruits found friends in the BETC and didn't want to "graduate" into the British Empire for fear of losing contact with their comrades through /crew chat. The British Empire had been suffering a period of stagnation due to this effect and was in desperate need of fresh blood. The leadership recognised that in the long term, the BETC would end up smothering the group it had been designed to protect - thus the BETC had to be disbanded. Its legacy lived on, however, as Lazydog11's town [[Gloomsbay]] had been massively expanded due to the influx of new recruits and boasted, among other things, housing for dozens of active players and a large PvP arena.
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On 17th May 2017, Gildor_stinky and Taulov were elected as Prime Minister and Vice Prime Minister of the British Empire, gaining more votes than opponents Turkeyman11a and Deathtoll_. Construction projects around the Empire had been making great progress, especially in London, yet over time the British Empire had lost many talented PvPers due to a lack of military conflicts. A vote was launched on 1st June 2017 to determine the future of BE's PvP laws. The results will be in on 4th June 2017.
On 17th May 2017, Gildor_stinky and Taulov were elected as Prime Minister and Vice Prime Minister of the British Empire, gaining more votes than opponents Turkeyman11a and Deathtoll_. Construction projects around the Empire had been making great progress, especially in London, yet over time the British Empire had lost many talented PvPers due to a lack of military conflicts. A vote was launched on 1st June 2017 to determine the future of BE's PvP laws. The results will be in on 4th June 2017.
=== Monarchist League ===
In June of 2019, a new movement was founded by SpikyCactus01, Guineapigplays and Dohtig. It's aim was to put Emiel and Lazy on the British throne, but still retain democracy. It quickly gathered momentum, getting the support of the Home Secretary, Vice Prime Minister and other officials. The movement then formed a party called the [[Monarchist League]], gathering supporters from 5 different crews.

== Settlements and Forts of the British Empire ==
== Settlements and Forts of the British Empire ==
Line 717: Line 1,154:
Province of Canada:
Province of Canada:

*[[Whiskey Peak]]
*[[Whiskey Peak]]
*[[Fort Fang]]
*[[Fort Fang]]
Line 724: Line 1,159:
[[Chittenden State]]:
[[Chittenden State]]:

*[[Port Gletscher]]

[[New England]]:
Northern Territories:
Northern Territories:

*[[Port Panem]]
*[[Port Vernesse]]
*[[Terra Celestia]]

Territories on the old continent:
Territories on the old continent:

*[[Hamsfield Court]]

South Seas:
South Seas:

*[[Port Royal (Reformed)]]
*[[Port Royal (Reformed)]]
*[[Isle of Zeal]]
*[[Dockerly Hold]]
*[[Port Alexandria]]
*[[Port Hope]]

Southern Territories:
Southern Territories:

*[[Delta Tower]]

== Previous British Governments ==
== Previous British Governments ==
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<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
*[[Bridgetown]] (seceded)
*[[Bridgetown]] (seceded)
*[[Canada]] (inactive)
*[[Chorley]] (inactive)
*[[Corfadia]] (disbanded)
*[[Corfadia]] (disbanded)
*[[Delta Tower]] (inactive)
*[[Fort Crater]] (inactive)
*[[Fort Crater]] (inactive)
*[[Fort Havanna]] (inactive)
*[[Fort Havanna]] (inactive)
Line 872: Line 1,306:
*[[Fort Wolf]] (inactive)
*[[Fort Wolf]] (inactive)
*[[Goldton]] (inactive)
*[[Goldton]] (inactive)
*[[Hamsfield Court]] (inactive)
*[[Ionith]] (inactive)
*[[Isle of Zeal]] (inactive)
*[[Jamaica]] (seceded)
*[[Karjat]] (inactive)
*[[Karjat]] (inactive)
*[[Mariejois]] (inactive)
*[[New Clankton]] (inactive)
*[[New Clankton]] (inactive)
*[[Newfoundland]] (inactive)
*[[Newfoundland]] (inactive)
*[[New Zealand]] (inactive)
*[[New Zealand]] (inactive)
*[[Port Alexandria]] (inactive)
*[[Port Blue]] (inactive)
*[[Port Blue]] (inactive)
*[[Port Gletscher]] (seceded)
*[[Port Hope]] (inactive)
*[[Port Laconia]] (Governor banned)
*[[Port Laconia]] (Governor banned)
*[[Port Oribi]] (Governor banned)
*[[Port Oribi]] (Governor banned)
*[[Port Panem]] (inactive)
*[[Port Royal]] (inactive)
*[[Port Royal]] (inactive)
*[[Port Vernesse]] (inactive)
*[[Seastone]] (inactive)
*[[Seastone]] (inactive)
*[[Singapore]] (seceded)
*[[Singapore]] (seceded)
*[[Terra Celestia]] (inactive)
*[[Venice]] (inactive)
*[[Virgin Islands]] (seceded)
*[[Virgin Islands]] (seceded)
*[[Westeros]] (inactive)
*[[Westeros]] (inactive)
