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Elven Empire: Difference between revisions

421 bytes added ,  9 August 2015
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*[[Dwarfs]] ~ [[Pokunut1]]
*[[Dwarfs]] ~ [[Pokunut1]]
[[Lotus Empire]] ~ [[KingKarim]]
[[Hardtimez]] ~ [[Outlaws]]

== Government ==
== Government ==
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War still continues till this day.
War still continues till this day.
==Ban Hammer==
In the early morning in late July the warlord hardtimez has been banned! All began to celebrate in the streets after this amazing surprising event.
===War Rages On===
After the banishment of the worlds most hated dictator the outlaws fled and all battle lines and defences fell to the might of the Elven forces to the east and British to the north. In the weeks following the outlaws disbanded and retreated to the [[Lotus Empire]]. The queen and king of the elves fought on and attacked the lotus empire.
War raged on for 4 weeks until the 3 nations of British, Elvish, and Lotus made a treaty to not fight each other and all nations are at peace.
==Ottoman Emperor Dead==
On August 6th 2015, the ottoman emperor was banned. [[_Lego_]] will live in rememberance of all.

== Present Day ==
== Present Day ==
Out of all the conflicts the elves have had with the British both nations now fight for the freedom and justice of the free people and are the best of friends. They will never again go to war and will forever be friends. The elves had a rough past of constant movement of cities but over the course of all this time this made the elves who they are today.
The Elven Empire is currently In no wars and its people and government are improving for the better each day.
===Current Events===
As the war with the outlaws continue, war will one day come to an end and peace will be restored in the world.
