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=== Issue #1 "Title" ===
[[File:The Privateer Post.png|thumb|right]]
==What is the Privateer Post?==
The Privateer Post is a revived version of sister newsletters The Anchor Articles and The PirateCraft Articles. Formed by CreatingWithKass, the Privateer Post hopes to bring captivating stories about the day-to-day news of PirateMC by: logging wars, alliances, crew creations and much more. In an attempt to preserve PirateMC History like the good old days, our journalists will strive for unbiased documentation and entertainment for the future of PMC!
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==Issue #1: A Warring Server==
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===The First Post===
====[September 23rd, 2021]====
Welcome to the very first Privateer Post of this newsletter chain! There is a lot going on in the world of PMC Politics right now, so it's now or never to document it!
===Ongoing Wars===
According to recent posts found in #playernews of the Alliance Discord, the following conflicts are in full swing:
'''1. [[Atalantaa]]'s Meme War vs. [[BE]]'''
As an iconic server icon, the city of [[London]] has been cherished by many veterans since its creation in the early days of the server. However, since its close proximity to Spawn, the city has been abandoned without residence to avoid consistent raids by the server's PvPers. In an attempt to make the city livable again, the British Government, primarily [[RatRaceRobot]], have launched the London Defense Project, aimed at "making London economically viable and livable again. We plan this through bringing back playerbase shops (because of London's convenient location) protected by a wall (used to filter out almost all raiders) and a redstone defense mechanism (used to remove any trespassers inside the wall)," according to RatRace.
As an ex-BE leader, [[Atalantaa]] has taken it upon herself to launch an anti-wall campaign, stating that the structure is ugly and a scar on a server icon. Since then, many have backed these claims, stating the wall is unnecessary because of the use of grappling hooks, levitation potions, ships and player-launching mortars. The argument states that the empire has plenty of cities they can occupy much safer, and it has sparked outrage among the community.
Since the backlash, [[BE]] leadership has created a survey to assess the playerbase’s opinion on the wall, and is requesting suggestions for a better way to protect the iconic capital.
Access the survey here:
'''2. [[CSN]] v. [[BE]]'''
In the #FORTHEWALL movement, the [[British Empire]] has received increasing backlash due to the controversial wall built around their capital city of [[London]]. Due to this, [[Costa Nostra]] ([[CSN]]) has declared war on [[BE]], stating “[[CSN]] has decided to join the wall cause and declared war on [[BE]] until the wall is removed. #FORTHEWALL”
In the wake of this conflict, an unlikely multi-alliance has formed to fight the [[British Empire]] in this war: [[VOID]],  [[CSN]], [[WOO]] and [[SIN]].
As of the writing of this article, there have been multiple battles with victories and losses on both fronts, [[CSN]] and Allies claiming successful raids on [[BE]]’s Trapbases, and [[BE]] countering with screenshots of their take resulting in another battle with little information on where it took place.
'''3. [[CSN]] v. [[ESE]]'''

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sit amet eros tempor, dictum nibh ut, convallis lorem. Donec ut ornare sapien. Cras sit amet eleifend lacus. Nunc imperdiet mattis orci vitae volutpat. Sed ac commodo augue, eu convallis erat. Fusce commodo elementum quam in auctor. Sed finibus euismod sollicitudin. Pellentesque porttitor viverra enim, ac ultricies sapien sagittis eu. Phasellus ornare quis lacus at vulputate. Vestibulum vestibulum sagittis ex sit amet venenatis. Praesent tincidunt vehicula felis eu hendrerit. Donec faucibus dui arcu, vel laoreet libero tempor vitae. Mauris massa turpis, tincidunt ac consequat vitae, consectetur et est. Etiam ac leo interdum, feugiat est eget, semper risus. Phasellus mollis at libero eget volutpat. Ut nec elit massa.
Another [[CSN]] conflict has been ongoing as [[Costa Nostra]] has conducted multiple raids again the [[Eternal Sith Empire]] ([[ESE]]). [[CSN]] claims the successful assassination of Emperor [[Kha0ticx. InX]] and raid of their construction sites, as well as killings on multiple other [[ESE]] citizens, including [[TobySF]].  

Duis non fermentum turpis, sed feugiat ante. Etiam ante ex, semper non elit vitae, vulputate ultrices lacus. Donec eu ultricies magna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque pellentesque ipsum at facilisis vehicula. Suspendisse quis eros dapibus, semper tellus eu, ornare neque.
===Border Conflicts===

Sed consequat, orci suscipit efficitur condimentum, dui ex molestie nisl, ut pellentesque libero lectus sit amet nisi. Mauris eget gravida justo. Suspendisse at turpis efficitur, viverra sapien vitae, blandit ante. Fusce scelerisque tincidunt elit at sagittis. Proin at lacus urna. Vivamus euismod erat non tellus vulputate, eu mollis nisi lobortis. Curabitur in pulvinar felis. Pellentesque nec leo sit amet nibh congue consequat. Phasellus non leo mattis, venenatis nisl vel, aliquam sapien. Vestibulum at odio ut nunc aliquet scelerisque. Praesent at varius nisi. Nunc rutrum, magna sit amet lacinia luctus, orci lectus lacinia erat, ac dapibus massa purus eget enim. Vivamus posuere turpis venenatis, facilisis mi rhoncus, tincidunt lorem. Vestibulum tincidunt elit vitae nibh feugiat ultricies. Mauris vitae ligula posuere, mollis quam non, tempor massa. </div>
'''1. [[Valyrian Freehold]] ([[VAL]]) v. [[Eternal Sith Empire]] ([[ESE]])

While not a war, reports have come in that the [[Valyrian Freehold]] has issued complaints against their neighbors, the [[Eternal Sith Empire]], after Valyrians noticed a blockade on a cove connecting to both empires, making ship travel to and from port to fort difficult. While this issue was resolved peacefully, another meeting is underway between the Queen of the Freehold [[CreatingWithKass]] and the Shadow of the Void, [[Ae0n]] about border disputes.
[[ESE]] member [[Folsky]] has settled within decided on Valyrian territory, and as of writing this, has yet to leave the area. Tensions are stable for now as [[VAL]]’s leader waits on response from [[ESE]].
Rumor also has it that there will be a mountain range/wall created along the VAL/ESE border so this can be avoided in the future.
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=== Issue #2 "Title" ===
=== Issue #2 "Title" ===