The New Empire (also called TNE) is a medium sized almost only builder crew with the goal to build the most beautifull and detailed town at the whole server. Originally founded by ScriptX and called TBCG, but later dissolved and rebuild under the new name The New Empire by ScriptX and IndexOutOfMJ (Lord__MJ)

Crew Name The New Empire (TNE)
Leaders: ScriptX, IndexOutOfMJ
Co Leader Two_Com
Founded: 17. Dec 2017
Structure: Empire
Members: 14
Active Members: 3
Dissolved: Never
Allies: TSE, TNE, Tri, Cove, GE, PL, REE, TMC, TX, TMC, HI, FR, GUCS, Xenia, EIE, DD
Enemies: horse, Mafia, Cotij, RoV


ScriptX has joined the server at the 19. Feb 2017. He has sailed with a wooden boat to the next island to test what the ship-plugin can do, and find a good place to build. He has sailed for Hours, (okey it was only one hour) after finding an enemy island he has startet to mine some diamond, with no thinkting about other players. So it has dont taken a long time until he gets killed. After building a boat, he is sailed with his new boat to his friend Two_Com. While the boat has been build it is sunk because it was modified while sailing. At this point, the Livemap was used to determine the new location to settle. after he has loosed two boats, has he decided to use a normal wooden boat to travel to his next location ca. 10.000 Blocks away. So after sailing a while the new location for the town has been found. Next day, (20. Feb) the prodecessor crew of TNE, the TBCG (TheBlackCreeperGames) Crew was founded. At this Point his Friend Two_Com has sailed also the 10.000 Blocks to new Base. Sadly he doesnt set his home there and he died in a fight with a creeper. at this point he was depressed and dont wanna sail the distance again. After one day he decides to take the distance to itself and saile once again to the the foundet City.

Later in the days Two_Com lost attention at the Piratecraft Server and ScriptX was the only person who is building his dream city. Because he has only build alone, he also lost attention on this server, and is only Online for a short duration to prevent an unclaim. Luckly he can convince IndexOutOfMJ to join this server and rebuild the city to give it a unique look. at this point, the crew TBCG was dissolved at the 17. Dec 2017 and the Crew TNE was born.


The TNE crew is known for their complex redstone builds, and huge detailed constructions, such as the airship, or the townhall.

The Airship

The airship was a mega projekt that was build within 2 Weeks from 2-4 People. It is a 160 Block long flying build, that was designed and build during the april build of the month, thus won. The main builders where ScriptX, IndexOutOfMJ. Two_Com has farmed the wood, and Niki the Stone. The builders are died several times during the build because of Server lags, some blocks are disapering and they are falling into the depth. Only ScriptX has the captain rank durung the build and was be able to teleport sometimes to his home during the fall.


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