WIP -DeDerpyDerp

History of Port Potato

Founded: Date/Date/2020

Original apart of a "crew" of 3 Deckies, all friends IRL, IronGolem5, Silver_Wild, and DeDerpyDerp, DeDerpyDerp set out south of their original fort near /east for a place to build a port. After buying Firstmate (wanting to own a frigate), he beached his small dhow at the current location of Port Potato. After building a small mini-base, he set north and found a Frigate, to his "suprise" unclaimed. He captured it, took it to the Port, and thus the Port Potato Navy was created, with the first ship being DNS Suprise. (DNS being DeDerpyDerp_'s Naval Ship.) The first crew DeDerpyDerp was in, the original DNE, never lasted but was "DeDerpyDerp_'s Naval Empire". Soon, Sonu06's of AQUA asked DeDerpyDerp to join. He accepted. While his 2 friends were kept in the dark of the port, in order to suprise them.

As DeDerpyDerp invested into the port, becoming more active, his friends became less active. Not much is recorded of this time, sadly.

The First Battle of Port Potato

Main Points

