/seen [playername] # will print when was seen last playername

/warp cove Lets the user warp to The Cove which contains a market and the end portal.

/sethome to set a home warp & /home to warp home.

/donate Donation perks in-game menu and /warp donate to warp to the donate room

/msg can be used to send messages to other players in-game, quick reply using /r

/mail to send an offline message to a player.

/spawn will teleport you back to spawn.

/help List all in-game commands and /helpop requests help from online staff.

/rules View the rules to playing on PirateCraft.

/ignore Mute another player in-game.

/balance Shows in-game currency, /pay pays a player from your balance.

/stats Displays some of your basic recorded in-game statistics.