/seen [playername] # will print when was seen last playername
/warp cove Lets the user warp to The Cove which contains a market and the end portal. /warp list [number] shows list of available warps for player.
/sethome [name] to set a home warp & /home [name] to warp home, /delhome [name] deletes home.
/donate Donation perks in-game menu and /warp donate to warp to the donate room
/msg or /m [playername] can be used to send 'private' messages to other players in-game, quick reply using /r
/mail send [playername] to leave an offline 'private' message to a player.
/spawn will teleport you back to spawn.
/help List all in-game commands and /helpop requests help from online staff.
/rules View the rules to playing on PirateCraft.
/ignore [playername] Mutes another player in-game.
/balance Shows in-game currency, /pay pays a player from your balance.
/stats Displays some of your basic recorded in-game statistics.
/lottery buy [number] Buys you a $15 lottery ticket towards a jackpot total, be aware you can only buy up to 3 tickets (which would be in total $45
/tpa [playname] Teleport to a player of choice once you have Sailor Rank or over,
/tpahere to teleport a player of choice to your location once you have Carpenter Rank or over.
/tpaccept to accept teleport request for player to teleport to you or you to them, /tpdeny to deny teleport request, you can also move within allotted 'stand still' time to cancel your teleport.
/crew help # will print all crew commands (eg /crew bb , etc..)
/claim # will claim the area you're standing on
/claimslist # will list your claims