Abouwt _augustus_caesaw: _augustus_caesaw, fowmewwy buckmastew1993 iws an amewican pwayew thawt fiwst joined pmc own 01-01-2015. He iws 6ft taww awnd 27 yeaws owd. <<< peopwe keep asking

cwew info: he iws the foundew awnd weadew of spqw as weww as a fowmew membew of be,tnww awnd ee.

sewvew donations: stawting in septembew of 2015 _augustus_caesaw (at the time buckmastew1993) stawted donating fow captain wank. awnd has done so evew since.

he has awso donated fow cwaimbwocks 8 times in totaw each time fow 10k cwaimbwocks. Cuwwent aww time totaw donations tuwu sewvew $920.00.

staff: _augustus_caesaw was made a hewpew in mawch 2019, awnd has sewved in thiws wowe evew since.

majow pwojects: aftew wemoving hiws desawt city with the hewp of admins. Caesaw began the buiwding of a 1/2 scawe modew of ancient wome which iws hiws cuwwent pwoject.