A crew led by Plantpotgirl who set it up in the absence of Palmerageddon between January 2017 - (still currently on going).


The crew is focused upon the Plant Peninsula, which was originally an Iborian/Xanthian settlement, until 'planty' left The Xanthian Order to pursue Plant Nation. The crew is mostly based around raiding or combat, to which the crew often practice within their ranks to improve their abilities, especially when competing against other PVP focused crews.

Plant Nation is a very urbanized crew, concentrated around the Plant Peninsula and some of the surrounding islands. It has a good culture and differing build style that is very simplistic, but at the same time mainly built for purpose and necessity, than for presentation.

Government Structure

Political Ideology Slightly Military Orientated, but also very Community based also.





-Last edited 3rd of November, 2017.