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'''Article I - Organisation'''
'''Article I - Organisation'''

''Citizens'' of the British Empire are entitled to the benefits of being part of a globe-spanning Empire. They may request assistance from their fellows towards founding their own colony or join one of the existing settlements which are open to new residents. The Empire extends its arm of protection to all those who are proven worthy. Each citizen may cast one vote in parliament regardless of strength and creed. Only one government position can be held by one individual player at a time.
* ''Citizens'' of the British Empire are entitled to the benefits of being part of a globe-spanning Empire. They may request assistance from their fellows towards founding their own colony or join one of the existing settlements which are open to new residents. The Empire extends its arm of protection to all those who are proven worthy. Each citizen may cast one vote in parliament regardless of strength and creed. Only one government position can be held by one individual player at a time.

The ''Prime Minister'' shall be the citizen who heads the Empire whose duty is to speak for the alliance, ratify treaties and sign declarations of war. The Prime Minister's vote shall be the deciding vote should a vote end up tied. He or she has the right to implement emergency decisions during the time a vote is taking place. These decisions may be overwritten by the result of the vote. The Prime Minister is elected newly every six months by the citizens through a majority vote.
* The ''Prime Minister'' shall be the citizen who heads the Empire whose duty is to speak for the alliance, ratify treaties and sign declarations of war. The Prime Minister's vote shall be the deciding vote should a vote end up tied. He or she has the right to implement emergency decisions during the time a vote is taking place. These decisions may be overwritten by the result of the vote. The Prime Minister is elected newly every six months by the citizens through a majority vote.

The ''Vice Prime Minister'' shall be the citizen who was paired with the Prime Minister during the elections. He or she shall speak for the Empire in absence of the Prime Minister and help mediate conflicts in his spare time. If the Prime Minister is absent for longer than a week, the Vice Prime Minister may automatically take over full Prime Ministerial duties until the Prime Minister returns. The Vice Prime Minister is superior to the Ministers.
* The ''Vice Prime Minister'' shall be the citizen who was paired with the Prime Minister during the elections. He or she shall speak for the Empire in absence of the Prime Minister and help mediate conflicts in his spare time. If the Prime Minister is absent for longer than a week, the Vice Prime Minister may automatically take over full Prime Ministerial duties until the Prime Minister returns. The Vice Prime Minister is superior to the Ministers.

The ''Minister of Defence'' is responsible for the security of the colonies and for organising war efforts. The post is appointed by the Prime Minister.
* The ''Minister of Defence'' is responsible for the security of the colonies and for organising war efforts. The post is appointed by the Prime Minister.

The ''Admiral'' is responsible for running the British Navy. He works alongside the Minister of Defence who is his or her superior. The post is appointed by the Prime Minister.
* The ''Admiral'' is responsible for running the British Navy. He works alongside the Minister of Defence who is his or her superior. The post is appointed by the Prime Minister.

The ''Minister of Recruitment'' is responsible for hiring and training new recruits and ensuring their loyalty. He or she manages the recruitment camps, heads development projects and assists in assigning residents to towns. The post is appointed by the Prime Minister.
* The ''Minister of Recruitment'' is responsible for hiring and training new recruits and ensuring their loyalty. He or she manages the recruitment camps, heads development projects and assists in assigning residents to towns. The post is appointed by the Prime Minister.

The ''Minister of Justice'' is resonsible for dealing out sentences in accordance to the law of the realm. He also organises efforts to bring criminals to justice. The post is appointed by the Prime Minister.
* The ''Minister of Justice'' is resonsible for dealing out sentences in accordance to the law of the realm. He also organises efforts to bring criminals to justice. The post is appointed by the Prime Minister.

The ''Election Commissioner'' is the citizen or Governor responsible for ensuring the lawful conduct of free and fair elections as well as referendums. The Commissioner is selected either by majority vote or by general consensus. He or she is sworn to confidentiality.
* The ''Election Commissioner'' is the citizen or Governor responsible for ensuring the lawful conduct of free and fair elections as well as referendums. The Commissioner is selected either by majority vote or by general consensus. He or she is sworn to confidentiality.
* ''Applicants'' are members of the British Empire who do not yet enjoy the same bandwidth of rights as full citizens do. They may not vote on political matters but are entitled to protection and may request assistance.

Citizens and Governors are the backbone of the Empire. They have the authority, by majority vote, to pass laws or motions, approve wars, to appoint members of government, to approve or expel citizens and, by a two-thirds majority vote, to amend the Charter.
Citizens and Governors are the backbone of the Empire. They have the authority, by majority vote, to pass laws or motions, approve wars, to appoint members of government, to approve or expel citizens and, by a two-thirds majority vote, to amend the Charter.
''Applicants'' are members of the British Empire who do not yet enjoy the same bandwidth of rights as full citizens do. They may not vote on political matters but are entitled to protection and may request assistance.

New positions may be added to the Charter by choice of the Prime Minister without the need of an amendment. They may only be removed or altered by a two-thirds majority vote as laid down in Article VI.
New positions may be added to the Charter by choice of the Prime Minister without the need of an amendment. They may only be removed or altered by a two-thirds majority vote as laid down in Article VI.